Trying the forum. In midst of large family trip, grandparents want dinner with just our family group. DS9 and 4 want T Rex but how about Sanaa? Another idea - not with characters - have 3 already lined up.
Hi whenuwish!
How fun to take a multigenerational trip to WDW!
Sanaa would be fun for everyone - ask for a window seat and make your dining reservation before dark so the kiddos can see the animals outside the window. Make an evening of it, and head over to Jambo House after dinner (about a 10 minute walk - or take the internal shuttle that goes back and forth from Kidani Lodge to Jambo House,) and participate in the animal viewing there (with night vision goggles.)
Yes - the boys would love T-Rex Cafe. Maybe you could squeeze in a lunch there?
I agree with @meetmeatthepoly. Trex is great but very loud. Sanaa is wonderful - I think it is a true undiscovered disney gem.
How about something in between? Whispering Canyon can give you a good experience for active boys but isn’t quite as noisy as T Rex. Another possibility would be to do Trail’s End and get there early enough that the family can walk around and look at the stables or stay late for a wagon ride. Most recently we did a trip with one of kiddo’s grandparents and went for dinner at Cape May Cafe – that worked really well for our family, too.
Thanks you all. I just studied the menus. WCC fits the grandparents tastes better than Sanaa. I still feel torn. I hate feeling indecisive. My kids love WCC and the grands haven’t been… But the animals at Sanaa sound so cool. Anyway~ I’m at that stage of planning where I change everything and then end up at the beginning.
Are the grandparents up for all the craziness at wcc? That might be a deciding factor as well!
Do not take a group to DTD until new Disney Springs opens - it’s a wreck right now.
What about HDDR?
Thanks to each of you who replied. I am now considering HDDR but leaning toward WCC. I do so love the WL and this time we are staying at CSR so it might be a chance to get a touch of the WL.
Whispering Canyon Cafe is a great idea. It’s got games for your DS’s and the great atmosphere of The Wilderness Lodge for the rest of the family. Back in the day, my grandparents cringed when we dragged them to The Rainforest Cafe. Still, it was one of the funniest family mea’s we’ve had. T-Rex would be a similarly loud experience.
I agree T-Rex is really loud. I know my parents would hate it; my ds wasn’t even crazy about it. Food wasn’t worth the price either.