For those that might be interested the new restaurant on the Boardwalk that is replacing Kouzzina will open up on December 18th. I searched and it shows tables available even though the time selection window isn’t working right yet.
I was able to book 2 breakfast reservations yesterday morning. For 12-22 and 12-28. I didn’t try for a dinner. I am trying to decide what ADR to cancel to fit in a dinner…
I think that this place will be tasty, as I love anitpasti and fresh mozzarella, but I definitely feel like it does not do enough to expand dining options at WDW. There are several Italian spots, most of them with decent reviews, so why not put in something else? What would you have put in if it was up to you?
To answer my own question, I might have gone with an Asian fusion type of cuisine - maybe with Thai and Laotian dishes on the menu, some dim sum, maybe some gourmet ramen dishes or pho. For appetizers, maybe have some of the most popular snacks from Disneyland Tokyo.
Ohhh a dim sum or raman house would have been a great choice. I have to admit I’m not all that thrilled about the idea of this one. The picture they have on the restaurant page looks disgusting to me… it looks like deep fried mystery with a slice of processed cheese on top…
Not to mention that the Four Seasons also just opened their new Italian restaurant Ravello…
Definitely an odd choice. If it had been open in time I probably would have tried it because we are already planning at dinner on the Boardwalk one night before Jellyrolls but nothing I’d go out of my way for.
I can imagine going there to eat at the bar, like I did with Tutto Gusto, but I doubt that I will ever make an ADR at any Italian-focused place at WDW because being from the Northeast, we have a lot of great options to choose from here. And I didn’t even know about Ravello! Add that to the list. Do we know if this place is owned an operated by an outside company?
I’m not sure who operates it. I believe Kouzzina was so I would guess this one is as well? I could be wrong though.
Here’s in the info on Ravello…
I considered making an ADR at that one because it looks really nice and might be fun to see the Four Seasons. Plus I’m curious if it gets you inside of Golden Oaks. I would love to drive around that neighborhood lol.
On October 21st I was also able to book breakfast for our January trip. Disney’s online dining reservation system has been “glitchy” for quite a while - you have to be persistent, trying several different ways to get what you want. That’s my tip of the day - be persistent!
Going with Italian seems a bit odd to me as EP has 3 Italian places and there is Il Molino at the Swalphin. But Kouzzina was “Greek” (with a lot of “Italian” offerings), so maybe they were going with that idea. I also like the pan-Asian concept with good Chinese, Thai, Singaporian, Korean cuisine. These are all missing from WDW and would make a welcome addition. Maybe they could call it “s’noodles”…
Sigh. Dining Plan. WDW needs seating capacity, to use a crass term for it, and “Italian” is a safe bet.
While I like your ideas on something Asian, as I think Thai food would absolutely explode in this country if people gave it a chance (my not-so-cosmopolitan town in Florida has three excellent choices, and none struggle for business), most people still find it “weird.”
Sticking to theme, seafood is out, as the Flying Fish Cafe as that covered. I would suggest Spain. It’s interesting, hasn’t been done to death, would’ve gone well in that location with minimal renovation. Close enough to other Mediterranean cultures that it’s not weird. Definitely a wine culture, so revenue possibilities there.
I also think Caribbean, Latin American, or Cuban would have done well. Though i’m not sure the mass of America that descends on Disney is ready to eat goat. I admit to being a little taken aback when I moved down there and saw my first sign for curried goat.
I did not. I’m not typically a very adventurous eater. I have not, in fact, eaten lamb before (or curry)… Plus the particular sign I’m referring to was in a not so posh part of Orlando. I probably wouldn’t have eaten anything from there lol.
Funny enough when it comes to Asian food I tend to be a tiny bit more adventurous as long as I know what the ingredients involved are.
I know what you mean. I will try most things, but some are just too spooky to me. Lamb curry is worth trying though. Seems funny that you make spicy chilli & black bean pork, but haven’t tried that
I don’t know what it is. I see curry and it scares me lol. Truth be told it usually looks all runny and suspiciously like something that has recently vacated a child’s diaper. Plus I never know how hot it’s going to be. Some Indian food is way way over my threshold for spicy. I like a little tingle I don’t like burnt off taste buds lol.
babies diaper oh dear, funny! You could say the same about peanut butter though…
I don’t like the ridiculously hot curries either - just seem like punishment to me. My aunt’s long term boyfriend is from a Pakistani family, and he used to work in an Indian restaurant years ago, and he says the really stupidly crazy hot stuff is not authentic and a lot of the time is just done for people who are almost ‘showing off’ about how much heat they can ‘take’. He said it’s nothing like the sort of curries his mum made at home.
Yes, you are right - Spain would be perfect. As would the Latin / Caribbean idea from @Outer1. I would love to have had a nice tapas spot - duck fat potatoes, anyone?
I have had quite a bit of authentic Indian food, and the curries are typically NOT extremely hot. Authentic Thai curries, on the other hand, can melt your teeth.
Foodie trivia: “Curry” is actually a verb. “To curry” something means to cook it in a sauce using a certain technique. “Curry Powder” (typically used in Indian cooking) or “Curry Paste” (typically used in Thai cooking) that you buy in the store is a blend of spices used to “curry” a dish. Just as many Italian restaurants have their own “secret” sauce recipe, Indian and Thai chefs will often have their own “secret blend” of ingredients in their curry powder or paste.
For example, in Thai cooking you heat coconut cream in a pan, add the curry paste, and allow the flavors to blend. This is then used as the “fat” to saute the meats/vegetables. Coconut milk and other seasonings are then added to make the sauce.