Transportation schedule?

Is there somewhere I can find a list of bus and boat times? And, how to get between two places?

The buses and boat are supposed to come every 20 minutes or so. There is no set schedule. In general, they seem to make the “every 20 minutes” standard, but there are times where it is longer. Downtown Disney has notoriously unreliable bus service, and some of the moderate resorts have multiple bus stops.

As for how to get between two places, you’re going to have to transfer at a park. So, you’re at Wilderness Lodge but you want to have dinner at the Yacht Club. You’d need to take transportation to the park of your choice, then catch a bus from that park to the Yacht Club. There are lots of sites with info on this, and Our Laughing Place offers a transportation wizard app (for a fee). If you have a more specific question about what two places you’d like to go between, we can probably help!

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What @theredhead said. Here is a pretty handy app for planning movement between places.


Thanks! Very helpful. Just wanted to make sure we didn’t need to plan on being at a bus stop on the hour or half hour or something like that.

Laughing Place tool looks awesome!