Touring Plan doesn't seem to account for early dining reservation

When I created my Touring Plan, I added an 8:00am breakfast inside MK, but after saving it, it shows it on my plan as arriving at 8:33am. That puts my first attraction much later than I really expect to get there. Is there anyway to account for a pre-opening dining reservation so it optimizes the TP accordingly?

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Add a break at rope drop or at 0800 whichever is earlier


It won’t let me because it won’t let me add anything before park opening which is 8:30am (early entry). I can’t even set the plan start time to anything earlier than 8:30am.

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Modify the duration of the meal to whenever you think you’ll be done after early entry 0830. So if you think breakfast will take you from 8-845, make it a 15 min meal and that should get you righted I think


What in- park restaurants do breakfast before early entry? I didn’t think those returned post Covid.


That’s actually a good question because I also didn’t think they came back!

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I think many, if not all that used to. Specifically I’m targeting Crystal Palace. On the dates I’ve checked so far (ahead of my actual dates) there are reservations starting at 8am and the park early entry is at 8;30am.


It’s been a long, long while since I looked for a pre-park ressie I guess :rofl:

I have noticed that this may signal that park hours will be modified to open earlier than currently stated. On a previous trip (but post Covid), I booked what was a PPO ADR for Hollywood and Vine only to have park hours change to open an hour earlier a week or so before our trip, so breakfast was no longer PPO. We still kept the ADR but it cut into actual morning park time.



I can see why the plan will only allow a starting time of early entry.

How long are you thinking breakfast will take? As @OBNurseNH suggested, add a break for 8:30am for your estimate minus 30 mins.

If the times stay as they currently are, I’d expect that to put you starting after the rope drop at 9am. I haven’t done breakfast at CP but certainly dinner took a while for all the characters to come round. We took about 90 minutes.

At first I was thinking 60 minutes, but 90 may be more reasonable. Though, it is just 2 of us.

I modified the plan to have breakfast start at 8:30 and last for 30 minutes. So that equates to 60 minute breakfast. I may adjust it to 45 or 60.


Which location? If it’s CP definitely plan at least 90 mins

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If we can believe Google’s Search Labs / AI overview, both Cindrella’s Royal Table and The Crystal Palace offer breakfast before early entry. Earliest reservation is 8am.

We had an 8am CP in August on an 8:30 EE day. They let everyone onto Main Street at 8am though, so there was no getting in any earlier than that. But we were done by 8:45am (party of 2 also); the characters came around super quick since not all of the tables were filled yet.