Top tips for 2 week trip from the UK

My first ever post, i’m not usually a ‘forum-poster’ but I thought why not give this a go!

My partner & I are going for our first EVER trip in June this year (I know it will be painfully hot but it’s my birthday, we got engaged this year & it’s our anniversary so it just made sense!).

I’ve read as much as I can about WDW, watched SO many videos and feel my understanding is pretty good for someone who has never been! I know about lightning lanes, have all the dates in my diary for dining reservations, etc.

I wondered what your top tips are for someone coming from the UK (or anyone really, I just say as we are doing a 2-week trip) that you might only learn once you have been to the parks?

Thank you so much in advance, can’t wait to hear your thoughts :smiling_face:


Hi Happy first post day :smiley:
I travel from UK in August so will share some temp tips with you… but how many are you and what ages? A lot will depend on that iun terms of how you approach what will be an awesome trip!


Tysm! I am unbelieveably excited (i’ve been saving for this trip for almost 6 years…!) We are 26 and 29 and it’s just the two of us going on a couples trip. I have done a plan but trying to keep it quite fluid because I know unexpected things happen!


It’s hot and extremely humid and you may not be used to that kind of humidity. My suggestion is to drink lots of water and electrolyte drinks like Gatorade so stay hydrated. I buy Propel packets and add those to my water. I bring a stainless steel insulated water bottle and drink from it throughout the day. I also order 8 oz water bottles to have in the room. I drink at least three before we get to the parks each day.


Agree with Jennifer, Water really important we used a Brita filter bottle that we could fill up from the water fountains. If yoy didnt already know you pretty much must have a filter as the florida water is quite minerally and doesnt taste great without being filtered and the water fountains are unfiltered. -

now more questions :slight_smile: will you be staying in Disney Hotel? will you be buying lightning lane?

General stuff you have free memory maker on your ticket so get lots of photos! loads of photographers in the park, when you see them grab your chance.

Do the Mini golf and have a chilled day at the water parks.

Im a big fan of get to parks early at LEAST 30 mins before gate opens… and we have typically left at midday for a swim back t resort then back for last few hours including jumping in the queue for 7 dwarves etc 10 mins before park closes! Being last on a ride with long queue and thus last to walk out of the park is amazing experience!

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With 2 weeks I would plan mid day breaks and a couple of resort only days. The heat and humidity will take it out of you. Towards the end of the trip you will probably slow down a bit.
Pre-hydrate. Drink water before you become thirsty.
In the summer neck fans are a must for me. June isn’t as rainy as July and August and the heat and humidity is slightly better in June.
If you aren’t big eaters don’t plan too many table service meals.

Thank you both! I’ll make sure to have bottles and filters ready, i’ve seen others use mini squash bottles so I might look at getting some of those.

Really don’t think we can prepare for the humidity so I’m planning lots of breaks in the day.

We’re staying at all star music, I wish we could afford an upgrade to Pop but it’s unlikely. That so helpful to know about swimming & going back in the evening - i’ll make sure to plan it in!

Tysm! :smiley: definitely taking into account the need for lots of breaks, probably more than i have planned for so thanks so much.

i hadn’t thought about slowing down by the end of the trip, so might think about how this is reflected in my itinerary at the moment.

So helpful - thank you!!

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The Calypso pool is so cool! I would recommend checking out the other pools too. The Surf’s Up pool is well themed. Sports isn’t my preferred theme though. Also all the statues at Movies are fun to see. You can walk to both of these resorts from Music. I love Pop. But the appeal for me is the Skyliner. Summer storms can shut the Skyliner down though.
I have found the buses at All Stars to plentiful.

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Welcome to the Forum!

Two weeks at WDW! :heart_eyes: I was in WDW the second week of June last year.

  • With two weeks, you have time to enjoy WDW leisurely.
  • The heat and humidity are draining! Plan rest days.
  • It can rain everyday in FL in June but not necessarily the whole day. And when it rains, it can pour, with puddles everywhere! And the thunder just freaks me out!!! With thunder, WDW will close waterparks, pools, and some outdoor rides.
  • Shoes that are good for walking miles everyday. And keep in mind the rain and water rides that soak shoes, socks, etc.
  • Umbrella is good for rain and for keeping the hot sun off of you!
  • Get out of the constant direct sun between 11ish - 3ish. It is a good time to do TS, shows, shopping, and/or return to the hotel to nap.
  • If it is available and it fits your budget, do AH at HS. It is so much cooler and you get on all the rides at least once.
  • Already said but drink lots, before you are even thirsty! And have some drinks besides water. Propel, Gatorade, Powerade, and the likes are all excellent choices. Most of them come in powder packages so they are very convenient to carry around.
  • You can get iced water at any QS for free. If I get QS, I always get some water for my water bottle. My home water supply is snow runoff. Water with lots of minerals, like FL’s, taste bad. I prefer the water that comes out of the soda fountains at QS. The water is filtered. At TS, the servers will fill your water bottle.
  • Order groceries or stop to buy groceries. It’s nice to have some food, snacks, and drinks in your room without paying Disney prices. I like to buy gallons of water to drink in my room and fill my water bottle in the mornings; sparkling water; juice, fruit, cereal, milk (you can buy milk at the resort’s store, too), bagged salad, and a little bit of cold cuts and cheese.

Have a magical trip!


Welcome to the forum! I also find have a pair of waterproof sandals are needed in June. Some of the puddles in the parks can be very deep. I also buy a supply of disposable ponchos. Others might suggest an umbrella (I don’t carry one in lightening).

You will have so much fun!


Oh amazing, this makes me so excited for staying at the All Stars. It was definitely the SkyLiner that was the attraction for us, but as long as busses are regular, that is absolutely fine.

Spending time at the pool is added to the agenda!


Make the most of the time difference and hit Rope Drop super early for the first several days at least.
Plan late nights and fireworks later in your trip for when you’ve adjusted to the timezone.

Have a great trip!


Wow I am totally blown away, thank you SO much! there is so much here that is helpful, so massively appreciate the time you’ve taken to put this together.

I especially hadn’t thought about rain gear and i think this is a clear priority, and having some plans outside of the parks/in the cool between 11-3 is good to know.

Do you know when after hours becomes available? is it 60 days before as well?

TYSM again!!!


So helpful thank you, I hadn’t even concerned puddles eek!! i’ll make sure to bring lots of different types of shoes and some water proof ones!

DFB recently talked about some shoe covers that are game changers apparently so i’ll look into those and pre-purchase ponchos! thank you sooo much!


Park hours? Sometimes only 30 days in advance. But looking at the year prior is a good indication.

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Oh sorry, After Hours!


After Hours for June is available now!

It is pricey and I tend to be cheap! But I went once last June and it was a game changer! I would do it again if I’m there during the hot and humid season! Liners will have tons of tips for you, should you decide to go.

I wrote about my After Hours here:

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Fellow Brit (August for us) with a few extra tips to add to the pot: Take the mini Robinson concentrated squash bottles with you. They are awesome. Start very early, stay late. Middle day breaks are fine but if you’re fit, you may not need them. First and last hours of opening, do the headliners. Do the “anytime” attractions (shows, older ones) during the day. Do not use early entry at MK to queue for Tron - it isn’t (currently) open for early entry and you’ll miss short queues elsewhere for other headliners. General tip for crowds - “Zag, while everyone else Zigs”. Except for FoP. Early entry queue will save you 2 hours. This site is great too: . Have fun! Relax and don’t be a slave to your plan. Roll with the punches and you’ll enjoy it more.

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