Time to get LLSP for GoG if rope dropping Remy

Hey liners,

It’s my day to book using the new LLSP/LLMP system. I’ve read many threads, and thank you to all that have given it a try so far and reported back.

I’m planning on rope dropping Remy from the International Gateway entrance with early entry. And am trying to time my GoG LLSP appropriately. This is my first time using the IG, we normally enter through the main entrance.

I’m not sure if we should go from France to Canada back to GoG for an early ride time, or take our time and go the long way. (My gut says ride it early, then enjoy the food of the world showcase.)

Thoughts? Thanks!

I would go with your gut. The lines are fairly nonexistent early and a lot of the booths don’t open until a little later.


Thanks. Now trying to figure out the timing from walking from Remy’s over to GoG…

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I’m guessing 20 minutes with purposeful walking and no stops. Someone else may know better…

20 - 25 minutes of straight walking sounds about right. We walked straight to GofG from Remy one evening and it seems like that’s about how long it took us.

I don’t think it really matters when you’re riding if you have an LLSP.

Now, if you were planning to ride with a VQ, I would recommend you go there immediately after rope dropping Remy!

But with an SP, the wait will be about the same all day and not much advantage to getting it done early. Instead, you may want to ride FEA right after Remy when the line is still relatively short.

That said, if literally the only other thing on your agenda is food and wine booths, etc., then by all means book your SP for the morning. Don’t stress too much about timing – they are not strict on being late for return times. You have 119 minutes after the arrival window with green taps, and beyond that they will generally be lenient for SPs. So book it for the earliest possible time that you think you will want to ride.


The Disney app estimates 18 minutes. I was in line for Remy during early entry when it went down and asked it to give me walk time and realized I physically couldn’t make it to another ride before regular rope drop. :frowning:

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Thanks for all this input. Thanks for the note @Jeff_AZ about the 119 minutes, I didn’t know that.
I booked it for 10am and figured we could see what else we can get done in the future world (neighborhoods now?) before GoG. And gives us flexibility in case Remy goes down.
