I’m curious. Name up to five attractions at Walt Disney World that you’ve NEVER done and may or may not be ashamed to admit it. These might be things you feel guilty that you SHOULD do, but just never find time or inspiration to actually do. (Don’t include anything you’ve not done because it wasn’t yet open the last time you went.)
So, I’ll start:
The River Boat
Dumbo (I’ve watched my kids ride it, however.)
It’s Tough To Be a Bug
The Main Street Trolley
This list isn’t complete, but the first ones that came to me.
*Astro Orbiter (no desire to ride it)
*Primeval Whirl (afraid it will make me sick)
*Hall of Presidents (hoping to do next trip)
*American Adventure (always plan to do and end up skipping because never enough time at Epcot)
*Dole Whip Float (ashamed to admit this one…actually haven’t eaten many snacks at WDW because always get too full from QS and TS meals)
Interesting that you two feel food items are “attractions”. (I’m not opposed to including them here, but it kind of does show the iconic nature of those items!)
An entire circuit of the Magic Kingdom on the train. We’ve only done Fantasyland to the Main Station.
Tom Sawyer Island.
Meet Mickey at Town Square. Every year I am determined to do this, and every year it is sacrificed. Too low in importance to merit a FP+ or to rope drop it, too popular to suffer the line.
Set foot in the Japan Pavillion / gift shop. Next time, it’s happening.
You won’t be missing anything if you don’t go. But the ride takes like 5 minutes and i’ve never had to really wait for it. The Ellen ride was super long and was a great place for a cool afternoon nap
Sadly, getting a list of only five wasn’t as hard as I thought. I have been on numerous trips in my lifetime. However, I’m habitually going with people for whom this is their first or second trip. So, I’ve been on all the E-Tickets more times than I can remember. My next trip is a solo “bucket list” where I don’t do many of those.
Liberty Square Riverboat
Tom Sawyer Island
Walt Disney Railroad
Swiss Family Treehouse
Peter Pan – Every time I go something goes awry and this gets skipped due to its long queue.