I hesitate to say this, outloud (or the equivalent)
This is one experience I have not yet (?) experienced.
I hesitate to say this, outloud (or the equivalent)
This is one experience I have not yet (?) experienced.
We were evacuated twice at WDW. Splash Mountain (RIP) and the Wildlife Express Train in AK. A wheel fell off on our way to Rafiki’s and we had a big jolt. Then, we had to get off and walk way backstage at AK to loop back around. They gave us free water since it was a bit of walking.
I think the only ride I was actually evacuated from was people mover at WDW - we were stuck in the dark near space mountain for a long time before we were finally walked off! But we nearly got evac’d off Indy at DL. We got stuck right after we loaded and they checked seatbelts. Others got walked out by after about 25 min they fixed it and we went through. Still wasn’t sure why they didn’t take us off though.
She is right.
As per the usual. The wheels came off this trip report. We did not make it through the whole party, but we had fun!
Yay! Also I swear I had commented earlier on this but apparently had just read and then chimed in with my own evac story
Looking forward to hearing how the rest of the trip went!!!