I have a 10:40 am ADR at Chef Mickey’s on 10/26 which I would like to swap for a later ADR at Rose & Crown on 10/25/14. We currently have a 6:55 ADR at Rose & Crown but are afraid that they won’t let us hang out long enough to see Illuminations. I keep trying to get later reservations but no way.
Can’t swap exactly. You’d simply cancel one and book the other
o.k. I see people swapping sometimes and I wasn’t sure how that worked. That makes sense. Thanks.
Usually a “swap” is arranged where one person cancels and the other books right away. I believe it’s been most successful if both parties are on a three-way call with the CM making doing the cancellation/booking the new person.
The only way it to cancel and reschedule a new one. The real difficulty is that you can’t have two at the same time, so you have to cancel your existing ADR before you can make a new one for the same time. The way I would attempt to do what you want to do is to constantly check the reservation website. As soon as you see an opening for the time you want, QUICKLY cancel your current one and QUICKLY make the new one. There is no guarantee that this will work, and you risk losing the 6:55 one that you have.
That being said, I have never heard of a party being asked to leave - especially when the R&C staff know people are trying to stay there for Illuminations. When you get your table, have a few drinks before you order. Order you app (only), and once you finish it, then order your dinner. After dinner, then order your dessert. If you want to stretch it a bit more, have an after dinner drink…
@WDW_freak If you need a taker for your Chef Mickey’s in 10/26-I’ve been checking for that day, pretty much around the clock.
I will check for Rose and Crown for you on the 25th, if you will hold that Chef Mickey’s. And then we can swap if I get one.
Thanks for all the good advice. I really appreciate it.
Actually, I am going to give that up anyway if you want it. I know how hard it is to get. I tried constantly for that and couldn’t believe when I found one open, I just had to grab it. We are only doing DP this year and so we have to cut some of our one pointers out. We got a little carried away in our ADRs. We are doing Park Fare one morning since that is our favorite. Best food ever! Anyway, the ressie is for 3 people at 10:40 am on 10/26. Is that o.k. for you? Let me know when you are ready and I will cancel and you can reserve right away. I think that will work, right?
I will definitely take it. thank you very much! If you are still awake, I will log on right now and wait for you to cancel. Unless you want to email me tomorrow: cbr006@yahoo.com. Thanks, Carey
I just emailed you.
I responded. I’m ready when you are.
Woo hoo! Just got a 7:50 ADR at Rose & Crown!
Oh great! I emailed you this morning that I snagged one but at 710 for you. I will release it back into the wild then. Yay!! We’re all set.
Thanks. At 4 am of course. Couldn’t believe my eyes. Guess it pays off to be an insomniac and persistent. LOL!