Strategy for park days starting in the afternoon

Hi! Is there any strategy to LLMP when your plan is to arrive later in the day, say around 2/3pm and stay til 9pm?
Will it be impossible to snag lightning lanes as they will have already been taken by visitors earlier in the day?
Any help/strategy tips welcomed - thanks!

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Stacking no longer works as it did with Genie + but depending on the park you might want to consider “zombie stacking”, which is described in the thread on advanced LLMP strategies. It allows you to arrive at a park with up to 6 LLMP (max 2 of which are tier 1). Just beware that if attractions are down and the LL you hold for that ride has already expired you will not get an MEP.

We were happy with the result of our zombie stacking at MK last August (CL4 day) if you want to see a real life example:

This will work less well on a busier day and especially in parks where LL run our quickly or have fewer drops.