Stay for the 4th?

We are planning a very last minute trip in the next 2 weeks and I’m trying to decide if it makes sense to stay for the 4th? I was thinking of leaving before but if there’s special stuff happening, it could be a good opportunity!
Anyone know what’s going on in and outside the parks?
This will be a mostly off site / resort trip but I can be convinced to pivot :slight_smile:


Not sure about special events, but the patriotic fireworks for 7/3 and 7/4 are really great! We attended last July. We went to MK on 7/3 and Epcot on 7/4. We actually thought the Epcot ones were more spectacular!
I just looked at the calendar though and they are showing Luminous at Epcot on the calendar for the entire week. But that might change. Seems to me that happened last year too.
(Always a risk of rain in July though so consider weather before changing plans!)

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I am betting that will be updated

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Thanks!! Do you think the fireworks are just as good outside the parks or will it be important to be inside?

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I am probably not the right person to ask this question to. We’ve always been a “get in position at least an hour ahead of time and claim the perfect spot” kind of family, both for MK and Epcot. One time in recent years we tried to watch from the Cali Grill and that was a disaster because it stormed, so the outdoor deck was closed. In the early years, when the kids were little and we didn’t want to be in the crowd, we sometimes watched from the covered bridge leading from the Contemporary to the BLT, and that was really nice, because they pipe the music to the bridge.
I will say this… I feel that for the 4th of July fireworks, (as opposed to Happily Ever After), what’s going on in the sky timed with the music is more important/impressive than the castle projections (IMO). I’ve never seen Luminous at Epcot, so I can’t comment on that show. But for us, the 4th of July is all about the fireworks in the sky. So, I think off-site would still be amazing to see and hear! It depends on where you are staying and/or dining.


Thanks! That’s helpful!! Sounds like all the usual places that pipe in music would be ok (GF, Poly, etc.)

Anyone know about luminous? Can we watch outside the park and still be ok? Also, what would be a good spot to hear the music?

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I’ve been in meetings since 11:45 but was coming here to share this :slight_smile:


Thanks! This is awesome news! My DDs and I will be there and love the late night hours!! It’s looking like a late night, sleep in, brunch, pool for the afternoon and evening/night at the park kind of time. However the “related” items at the bottom of that page are an interesting juxtaposition. Do guests go just for the fireworks and then leave on the 4th?

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Exciting!! Do you think they will still have deluxe evening hours on Wednesday for MK or no?

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Yes, it’s currently listed on the WDW hours site (11pm to 1am). That’s just two weeks away!

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Hopefully I am correctly quoting an article I read several months ago …

The this year’s 4th of July fireworks show is one of only a few select nights that feature the 360 degree presentation. During this show, additional launch sites are used so that fireworks set off from all points of the compass surrounding the Magic Kingdom. I was fortunate enough to catch one of these shows before and it is hands down the best fireworks show I have ever experienced including several international competitions.

I would definitely try and make this fit into your itinerary.


Yes, but the article linked says MK so be open till midnight on the 3rd, so that conflicts. Would be awesome to have deluxe hours from 12-2, but not sure that will happen

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Hmmm. :thinking: Good catch. I think Disney’s website of park hours has not caught up yet, since it says MK is open 9 to 11, not 8 to 12 like the article. All we can do is stay tuned, and see what Disney does with the hours on their site. They often update hours on Fridays.


Sounds good, I will stay tuned and keep checking their hours.

As an update, we finally booked our flights and are staying for the 4th!! So excited!!


This reports that we’re back to 11pm closure on 7/3. In any case, we are staying deluxe and will have the evening hours, so anything works for me :slight_smile:


Thanks for the updated information. I’m glad we planned MK for 7/3 and Epcot for 7/4. We really enjoyed the Epcot 4th of July fireworks last year!

Your user name made me do a double take. DD11’s name is Katriel and at first glance…


That’s our plan too! So excited!! But a little worried about crowds - was it completely crazy last year?

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Went to MK on 7/3. I did not think the parks were crowded during the day, but a lot of people came later for fireworks. Main Street was pretty crowded so plan to arrive early if you are going to watch from there. Epcot was not terrible on the 4th. We watched from Canada.