Any tips on where to stand at Rope Drop and how to get to Soarin first as quickly as possible?
Well, Soarin’ is on the right side of FW as you enter, So I imagine that the best plan is to queue up to the right, go down the right side of FW, and turn right into the Land. EP is not like MK where there are multiple routes to 7DMT; it’s pretty much a straight shot. Just join up with the seething mass of humanity (some might say inhumanity) to the right in FW, and you’ll eventually get there.
Stand all the way to the right next to where they have the pre rope drop ADR entrance. Once it gets close to rope drop, they will open up the ADR line for the public and you can slide into that line. We went from being about 20 people back to being second from the tapstiles doing this. We were in the first ride of Soarin for the day.