So Much For All That Planning (Bye G+)

Great to know!

8:30 for early entry. 9:00 for off site.

I think you could go either way on the breakfast. Where is it if you don’t mind me asking?

It will put you behind the early entry crowd, but I don’t see it as a big issue. If you keep it, I think I’d consider where it will put you in the park. If away from Pandora, then I think I’d prefer this:
Navi, Dino, Bug as MP trio

Go straight to EE after breakfast to keep ahead of the herd and then start your LL burns (bug and Dino) to rebook for Epcot. Finish up your list with MP on Navi and SP on FoP.

Tusker House. Does that change the thinking at all?

With it being 2 adults, I think you could keep if you want and be fine. You will give up EE touring time, but that is best spent on FoP, and you are getting a SP for it. This is on the way to EE, so I would do this:
8:05 - Tusker
EE right after Tusker
Bug MP to burn and book in epcot
Dino MP to burn and book in Epcot
Finish with MP Navi and SP FoP
See tree of Life anytime after Dino.

Any idea if you can get in to Tusker earlier than the reservation – even say 15 minutes or more?

I believe they start at 8, I would be there a little early, but not sure how quick you will get in.