Shorter hours

Is it me or does WDW have shorter hours then previous years. I remember last June leaving the parks at 9 or 10…however the times seem to be a little bit earlier. I also came across this article for AK but I see shorter hours for all of the parks. Although NOV time is not official. I am getting a little concerned that I will have less time in my plan and may need to think about nighttime activities for the family after spending a large amount of money on Disney in the first place.


At this moment I would not worry about animal kingdom. I expect once Pandora opens Disney will be watching the numbers in the parks at what hours and will adjust. Right now there is nothing on the impact Pandora will have overall on Animal Kingdom.

This is a wait and see.

I’m concerned about this too, but I remain hopeful. We are planning an October trip this year. We were there on Tuesday, October 11 last year, and the park closed at 8:30 pm. I imagine now that they will have RoL (if it’s still running in October) and Pandora, they’ll adjust their hours.

:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I wouldn’t worry about this at all. Mostly because the article is from last year.

(though why it’s on a page with everything else that is today, I have no idea)

Updated: 8:32 AM EDT Aug 18, 2016

Additionally, I noticed that Disney’s hours weren’t “set” last year until practically the month of (and sometimes shorter time frames), but the timing was always extended, not shrunk. And now with Pandora and ROL, I don’t see them pulling anything back unless it doesn’t draw the crowds like they hope. So you should be good, regardless.

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