With the November hours changing a few days ago I noticed a second F! show had been added when we plan to be at HS for evening EMH. The first show is at 6:30 and the second is at 8pm. What time should we line up for the second show? This is my third trip to WDW and F! has never worked out for me before and I am determined not to miss it again this time. It is my favorite show in DL (I know it isn’t the same).
Very excited about the addition as it allows us to be a lot less rushed hopping to HS from MK.
I was there during SWW (Memorial Day weekend) and I went to the 2nd show (after the fireworks). I walked up about 15-20 min before showtime; the arena was about 2/3 full and I easily found a “good” seat. I don’t know if this is “typical” or if it was a fluke…
Thank you. My guess would be that Memorial Day weekend is busier than early Nov. so it sounds like arriving at 7:20/7:30 for a 8:00 show is safe.
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