Hi there. Which park has the lowest waits for Santa? Best time of day to visit? I assume Santa is on MDE app? Thanks yall. We saw Santa once at HS and walked right in.
Just got the email he will be at the Springs w/ VQ
There’s a Santa greeting area in Dinoland in AK, and my son (an AK CM) reports that he has not seen long lines there. Of course, he is not always in Dinoland, and this is early in the holiday season.
FWIW, the 4K WDW Youtube channel recently posted a video of holiday decorations in AK and seemed to really love the dino-holiday mash-up.
Thanks. Was looking for the parks but will look inton
At MK the Santa is behind the Christmas Shoppe/opposite Sleepy Hollow.
The line looked to be several families deep when we walked past there in December 2022 (around 4 days before Christmas) and we were not interested in waiting, but we enjoyed watching Santa from the nearby tables while eating our Fruit & Nutella waffles, and he waved at us when he walked past on his way to a break
Thanks so much!!