If a same day FP is forecasted to be easily available, do you account for them in your touring plans? Do you adjust the second half of your day based on what same day fast pass you could potentially get?
Or what other advice in general do you have for utilizing same day FP’s in the touring plan software. I know when I’m in the park I can use the lines app to reoptimize but just playing around with optimization in TP.
If you really think you can get a FPP you can add it in. You might want to make 2 versions - one with FPP and one without. This way you can see what worst case scenario is if you don’t get any SDFP which is never guaranteed.
I think for MK you can probably do it. I agree with Flutegarden.
I just got back. I had the rides I was rope dropping and first three fast passes optimized. Then, I added the other attractions that I wanted to see but were less of a priority to the end of my optimized plan. Then I evaluated it. That gave me worse case scenario.
While in the MK park I was able to get a FP for every attraction I wanted.
I did a two stage process. Got the 4th FP for whatever time was available. Then I modified the time relentlessly until I got the time I needed. I read somewhere in here - do it like you are not taking no for an answer. And just magically, the times I wanted would eventually appear.
I did the 5th FP the exact same way. It worked great.
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