Room Requests @ Beach Club

I usually avoid these threads because I have no experience so I hope you all don’t avoid mine! We have garden view room booked at BC (not Club level). I really want a full balcony and want to be close to the central area (not at the Epcot end). However, I really don’t want to have anything too close up. I want to be able to look out the window without having a tree right in front of me. I don’t like feeling closed in. So. what do I request? If I need to prioritize: 1. expansive view of some kind 2. full balcony 3. close to central area. Do I fax this request? Do I request a specific room? Any chance I’ll get upgraded to water view (which looks infinitely better from the view on the touring plans site)? If I request a specific room will that keep them from upgrading my view? Thanks!

Have you looked at the room finder tool on the TP site? They give you the exact language to request.

Yes. I’m just not sure how high up I have to be for the “expansive view”

The 5th floor is CL so I would say 3 or 4. The issue is if you really want a full balcony that would be my only request. Since there are so few full balconies anther request may exclude you.

My family is voting for higher floor over balcony so that makes it clearer.

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