Room Request for Garden View Rooms with Sleeper Sofa at Yacht Club

How do I find out which garden view room at Yacht Club has a sleeper sofa so I can make the appropriate room request as “sleeper sofa” is not a feature shown on the TP room finder?

A sleeper sofa is very important for my family as my children are of different genders.


I have the same issue for my next trip - in my room request, I just said my priority was a sleeper sofa. I didn’t put any room number.

3052 has a sleeper sofa and overlooks the quiet pool.

ETA: it’s hard as a rock but long enough and perfectly comfortable for a teen.

We were just there. Both 4220 and 4222 (connecting rooms) have 2 queen beds and sleeper sofas. These are Garden view rooms.
I called Disney and requested that the rooms have sofa sleepers. I put it on my TP request, too. Got connecting rooms and sleeper sofas, nothing else that I asked for.

I thought all garden views with queens had sleepers? Eeks. I need to throw that into my thought process now.