Surely the TP hive mind can help me with this question… here goes:
I’m waiting to see if we’ll be able to rent DVC points at either the Poly or BLT, and the woman helping me with this at the DVC Rental Store advised me to book a room-only reservation as a back up, in case nothing comes through.
I got a quote from our regular [EDITED!] Small World Vacations travel agent, and she said that to add tickets, she’d need to cancel our room-only reservation and re-book it as a package. But couldn’t we just buy our own tickets and link them with our hotel res?
Also—if I’m booking a just-in-case room only res, should I book through a travel agent? And if not, is there a way to do this through the Disney website without having to pay the full amount for the whole stay?
I’m guessing MVT just want to book a package because they get commission for that. Do they do room-only bookings?
But either way, I see little point in using a TA for a room-only booking. I think, but not entirely certain, you pay for one night with a room-only booking direct. You’d get that back I assume if you cancelled.
You are booking a MVT exclusive as a back up? Book a room only and buy discounted tickets.
Funny, my MVT agent has always advised me to buy discounted tickets from the TP calculator.
Edited to add- if it is not a MVT exclusive a room only reservation does change to a package if you add tickets or dining and cancellation rules change.
I would check and see if MVT has an agency exclusive discount for the time you are going and if so book that as your backup. It is saving us a ton and is the only reason I am using a TA.
Darn, sorry! We had never used them before but I heard so many people talk about the savings they got through them that this time I picked my weeks in part because they had an exclusive.
Yes, or she should be able to do that, or a simple phone call would suffice. She shouldn’t need to cancel and rebook.
Many people here are very very comfortable booking Disney on their own. They know what they want and how to get it. But using a travel agent has its benefits! These include:
They will watch for discounts and apply them as possible/appropriate
They can help with creating your touring plans (with your subscription)
They can help you arrange transportation if you’re not using DME or if you have other transportation needs
They can help you set up your stroller/scooter arrangements
They can help with dining and FPP reservations (so you can sleep while they snag the big ones!)
They can provide you with a full trip itinerary
They are available to you throughout your trip in case you need help with anything
This doesn’t surprise me, due to the way they work (not to discredit them at all!). They are in the business of selling rooms (see the blog post or the book entry about how they are able to offer their deep discounts). They don’t make a lot of money on tickets and while they might be happy to add them for you, that’s not how they butter their bread.
We booked through a travel agent the last two times and had a great experience! (Except no one gets to touch my touring plans… that’s my job, ahem. It’s the best part of planning a trip!) We’re only trying DVC rental this time because it’s cheaper, and we want to stay longer.
I also don’t want to book a back-up through our TA and then make her mad if we have to cancel it! I really don’t want to be a jerk about that.
I totally respect your need to do your TPs yourself. That’s how I am too Good TAs respect that also, and will do whatever you need and will not insist on doing anything you don’t.
If you’re working with a TA now it would be nice if you could see it through with her. Let her know the information you have gotten here and on the website and tell her (nicely!) you’d like to book with her, but if she isn’t able and you see a way you’ll have to do it yourself/with someone else.
But the agents get a percentage of the sale, even if it is not much- just like every agent. I work with a liner MVT agent and her advice is due to knowing I would always be tempted to upgrade any tickets.