Thanks! I was really interested in what that chart will look like. I was curious how many points a studio would be compared to Copper Creek. My 2020 weekend (3 nights) would be 10 more points for a standard view. I am not interested in this resort but I am interested if any liners are?
I’m definitely interested in the resort, but I would only like to stay there once, not necessarily purchase. I think the points chart is more reasonable than I was expecting. My husband and I were thinking of doing a quick 2-3 night trip in early 2020 for only Star Wars stuff and a tower studio would be a cool option and within the realm of us having enough points haha!
I’m pretty curious how it will sell. Seems like feelings on Mouseowners are mixed.
I have been following the boards on dvcinfo too (connected to that article). There is the DVC sales link in that chat with the log in info.
If i’m doing the math correctly, and going by the weekly rate (Sunday - Saturday stay) a studio in Adventure season would be 109 pts. Grand Floridian at the same time of year, Sun - Sat is “only” 105. So…yikes.
I have seen comparisons that show it is also more than BLT.
Ok, I guess I’m bad at guesstimating points. I was kind of assuming the Tower studios would be 20+ per night, but otherwise I did see that everything was a “little” more than SSR.
I think a lot of people were anticipating similarities to the VGF charts.
I did notice the ridiculous maintenance fees!
(Although maybe they won’t feel so ridiculous next year…)
But more?
GFV is way higher than BLT. At least for 1-beds and above, and I would assume also for studios.
I suspect the MFs include quite a high contribution to the Skyliner. Plus they’ve probably over-estimated the property taxes for the first year. And they will only have two years to deal,with the staff wages increase, rather than three for every other resort.
Staff wages increase? Why is it different?
They have until ? 2020 to bring everyone up to the new minimum wage. At least I think that is what this refers to
Yes. The MFs included something like 3% this year, 3% next year and 1% the following year to bring the wages up to the level negotiated last year.