Is there rider swap for haunted mansion? I have read on some sites thst it has rider swap, but on Disney’s website it is not listed.
I don’t believe so. It’s is a slow traveling ride with no height restrictions. If you have littles that are frightened of the dark skip the stretching room and grab some glow bracelets
The ride itself really isn’t too scary, but the pre-show/stretching room is. I have heard that you can ask a cast member if you and your child can bypass the stretching room and they can take you through a door and onto the ride. I didn’t try this with my little ones but plan to next time.
We skipped the stretch room with my son when he was 5. At 8 he loves it now, but he would have hated it back then. We just asked to skip and they led us down a path and to the loading area. I highly recommend if you’re unsure how a little one will react!
My husband and I did a rider swap with my son . My husband rode on it with him first, then they came out of the ride with a cast member who took my son and I back to the front of line to ride again.
We actually found about the rider swap on accident when my daughter became to afraid to ride and I had to leave the line with her and the cast member told me about it. She guided me out, my son and husband rode and then I swapped
I think it depends on who is working because when I tried to swap, the cast member said ‘no’.