Has anyone recently done Remy during EE? I am working on my TP for 7/4, and the software is predicting a 45 min wait at 8:35?
ETA: Also, the TP software doesn’t seem to recognize that on 7/4 (according to the WDW website), Impressions of France is open from 8:30 to 9:30 AM. It is only allowing that step at night. Anyone I should tag?
ETA (2) Tagging @len here about no AM hours for this attraction in the TP’s.
IF you arrive at IG by 7:45 you can be on and off Remy pretty quickly. they often lead you to France just before the ride area by 8;00.
If you don’t arrive until 8:30, you are going to have at least a 45 minute wait as you’ll be way behind the pack.
From front, my assumption is to go FEA at rope drop vs Remy?
Yes. There will be a big RD crowd at international gateway that you have no chance of beating from the front entrance.
Thank you! That was my assumption. Trying to avoid paying for the LLMP for Epcot, but want to get in Remy and FEA. Going to have to suck up a significant stand by line for Remy it appears, which is fine as long as we can plan the rest of the day well.
We strolled up to IG after the “rope drop” crowd (maybe 8:15ish?) in the middle of March and we were on and off Remy before 9am because I had to line up at Les Halles for about 10 minutes.
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