Is there a way to have breakfast at Ohana and Trattoria al Forno without it being a character breakfast? I made reservations at both places for breakfast but really wanted a regular breakfast. How do I accomplish that?
Go to a different restaurant? At the Poly do Kona cafe instead. Not sure of the Boardwalk alternative that’s ideal, but those restaurants are only character for breakfast so it’s not like there’s a non-character option.
I guess you could just wave the characters through, but you’ll still pay the character price which is steep.
Thanks so much for the advice.
I thought there was a non-character option at Trattoria al Forno, in a separate room. I’m sure someone reported this, although I have no idea if it was a bookable option or whether the price was any different.
Maybe someone else can chime in. I’ll try and search for anything.
Ohana is a character breakfast, period. No way to avoid it, sure you could wave the characters on but all the parade stuff is difficult to ignore.
I have never seen it advertised but I have definitely heard the same thing.
I thought I heard it was walk up. The reservations were for the character breakfast. But I could be wrong.
Yes I believe you are correct. They used to have a non character breakfast as well that you didn’t need reservations for and was cheaper. You sat separately or outdoors.
Not sure if it has changed recently since the restaurant seems to be so popular but maybe call the restaurant directly?
When I was at Bon Voyage at Trattoria last month, it was evident that there was a non-character breakfast there… and it did appear to be walk-up and not ADRed.
I did not investigate deeply as I was there for the Character Breakfast, but it was billed under a different name on the signage about “breakfast at the boardwalk”.