I need to make our room requests for late December at POFQ in 11 days. Does anyone know which buildings have completed the refurbishments?
1 and 2 have been open for a while. They opened 3 a couple of days ago. I think 4 and 5 are closed.
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Twenty days 'til we arrive – I was hoping to be back in Building 4! I don’t need it to be refurbished. Does that make a difference?
Correction: 4 and 6 are closed. 1,2, and 3 are open. 5 and 7 are open with the non-refurbished rooms.
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I called Guest Services and changed my room requests to buildings 2 or 3. I will put my TP request in early next week. I would like the refurbishments for the improved storage and building 3 gor for the location. @bay_loftis I had really wanted building 4.
I had just read 4 and 6 were closed and was going to try to verify before I posted it here.