Rapid Stacking Example

My Wife and I have an anniversary trip to WDW coming up in June. On one of the days we will be coming to the Magic Kingdom in the afternoon. I would like to try to use rapid stacking in the morning before we arrive, but I’ve never done it before-I’ve only read about it here in the forums. I followed times during the day today and tried out an example. Could some experienced users look it over to see if my example looks OK. Thanks!
7:00-Book Genie for Dumbo for 9:00 am
7:01- Book ILL for SDMT for 7:30 pm
10:00-Book Genie for Tomorrow Land Speedway for 10:05
10:01-Modify Dumbo to JC for 4:40 pm
11:05-Book Genie for Under the Sea for 11:10 am
11:06-Modify Tomorrow Land to Peter Pan at 6:50 pm
12:10-Book Buzz Lightyear as keeper for 1:40
12:11-Modify Under the Sea to Haunted Mansion at 3:00
1:00-Arrive Magic Kingdom
1:15-Monsters Inc via Standby
1:40-Buzz Lightyear using Genie
1:41-Book Pirates for 3:30
2:00-People Mover via Standby
2:30-Carousel of Progress via Standby
3:00-Haunted Mansion using Genie
3:30-Pirates using Genie
3:31-Book Winnie the Pooh for 6:30
3:45-Pirates Adventure or maybe some shopping
4:40-Jungle Cruise using Genie
5:00-Small World via Standby
6:15-Mickey’s Philharmagic via Standby
6:40-Pooh using Genie
7:00-Peter Pan using Genie
7:30-SDMT using ILL
7:45-Roam, Browse, Explore until Happily Ever After


This keeps you on your phone often but it looks very doable. I like to set my alarms for 6 minutes before “go time”. That way I can snooze for 5 minutes to finish up what I’m doing. This also builds in a buffer if I’m on a ride and can’t exactly hear the alarm. Because schedules shift. I don’t see conflicts in grabbing and modifying LLs based on this list, but thinking fluidly, I like to have a failsafe.

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I think you got it! MK is a great park to rapid stack. Rule of thumb: book losers, modify keepers.
Good luck!


Yes, the downside of this is the amount of time I will have to spend on my phone. We want to spend the morning in a different park where we won’t use any Genie, but I will certainly have to work to keep track of everything. I know times will fluctuate between this and the actual day we go, but I hope I have a pretty good grasp of how it works, so I’ll be able to adapt on the fly. Thanks for checking this out-I like your idea of using alarms with a grace period.


Yes, I definitely wanted to try Rapid Stacking in MK-it seems like the best park to try it in for the first time.


Thank you for this “cliff notes” for rapid stacking. I haven’t felt up to reading through the thread but followed what you wrote!


Just know that as soon as you tap in for a ride when rapid stacking, the timer may revert back to a previously booked LL 2 hr clock.


My plan will be to have the last LL booked before coming to the park end up being the first one we use when we get there. That way, any LL that we book after arriving, I won’t try to book another one til after it gets used. Hope that makes sense-don’t know if I worded that very well.


I think you’ll be okay. Two hours will have passed from when your 2nd to last LL was booked (UtS at 11:05) by the time you tap into Buzz at 1:40.

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One way to successfully manage this is to name your alarms step 1, step 2, step3 etc. That way if you have to modify times you can keep track of your schedule easily.

I think this will circumvent any issues with that using/ losing LL pushing back to the 1 hour after expiration for next LL grab. I experienced this on our last trip. But my crew threw me for a loop and my 7am grab that I planned on doing a little SCRSing went sideways. Lol. It worked out.


I had always one alam at a time. As soon as it went off, I set up a new alarm and so on. It worked for me, but its probably because tend to get overwhelmed easily. Having more than one alarm would be too much for me.


Happened to me. Made me realize rapid stacking is, as the name says, for stacking. Ride standby and stack LL’s in the morning, use LL’s in the afternoon/evening.


Tell me more.

I set a slew of alarms the night before and label them with the steps that corolate with my LL plan. I put those details in the notes section of my TP. If I make changes on the fly I can quickly adjust the “steps” and the times that correlate. Seeing my alarms in a list with step 1 ir 2 or 3 lets me jump to it quickly. I try to make everything as easy as possible for when I’m in the parks. If not, I’ll just guve up and go AWOL :joy:


DS decided he didn’t want to do STs. This was in my plan though. So when I tried to do the SCRS with a few shows when modifing one of them I should have had a new LL grab window in about 15 mins. Instead it was 1 hour 15 mins. I think it’s because the system assumed I used it and reverted back to the 2 hour after park open rule. I don’t do well with change, lol.


Because the expired LL wasn’t modified as soon as it expired?

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I have been noticing that the LLs are showing up on MDE weeeeellllll beyond the expiration. I think that I modified with in the 15 mins with the first 2 LLs and the next grab after the first 2 was an hour later than I anticipated.
I remember people talking about how this could be a problem witb SCRS. Not sure if this wasn’t user error though!!

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In my limited experience, there was no option to modify the expired LL after some time, even though the LL’s are still visible in MDE. I don’t remember how much time had passed when I attempted to modify… 20 min, 45min? Not sure. I just figured it’s safer to modify as soon as it expires.


I modify one minute past the expiration. So for a 9:20-9:35 show LL, I’ll book my next loser at 9:35 and then modify at 9:36.



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