Planning a potential trip in July. We are a family of five and I am considering two rooms at an all star with free quick service. I know, is it free? But I think it may work.
Couple of questions, if you all know (of course you do!)
If a place like friars nook does not offer kids meals can we use a kids quick service (or was that the good old days)?
Could you use your quick service meal on 1 snack? I know a terrible value, but we may not use all quick service if we pay to sit down some meals. And my family are big snackers as opposed to meal people.
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Another thing to consider if you aren’t big eaters is only getting the free dining for 1 room (put 3 or 4 on that reservation) and get a room discount on the other room. You could save a lot of money that way.
You cannot use meal credits for snacks, unfortunately. We had the free QS dining plan last summer, and missed the extra snack credit you used to get each day. DH is not a big eater and found it very difficult to use all his meal credits.
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From everything I can gather at Friars Nook you can only use the snack credit.
On January 3, we were able to use a quick service credit at Friar’s Nook for a breakfast sandwich and coffee. Don’t know about a kid’s quick service.
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