Quick Conference Grown Up Getaway Recap!

I do love that section. I think I was in the football section the time I was there. But the Ducks section is really well done!

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I sort of wanted the Toy Story section but it was preferred so this was second. DH was so impressed that the pool had a red line on the bottom. We were also so close to All Star Music (right on the edge of Calypso) so we ended up almost exclusively using the Music buses! And we were along the access road so could just step out of our door on the days we used Lyft.


We stayed in Mighty Ducks at that resort too - and figured out on our last day or so that it is actually a MUCH quicker walk from Ducks over to the main building at AS Music than to the Movies building.


It worked out nicely too that we could see the Movies bus times in the app so once there was a long wait when we were standing at Music and then made a mad dash over to Movies.


Wait Ducks is Movies not sports LOL

I was in Luv Bug section


I’m going to get a reputation for never finishing Trip Reports! Must.Finish.Today

Ok, so adults only weekend started with Magic Kingdom! DH and I went back and forth on if we wanted to rope drop. Our kids are still early risers and it was prettttty tempting to sleep in without them but DH actually acted offended that I was even thinking of skipping rope drop! So we Lyfted from offsite and got to the TTC at 7:05.

DH is obsessive over BG1 and grabbed us a boarding group as we pulled up. But we got the following message regarding his cousin. Curious we thought…

We hopped on the monorail and got a strongly worded call from his cousin who had just landed at MK. He was an AP and had forgotten to make a reservation and there were none left for MK today! :scream: He would have to wait for Epcot to open and head over there before hopping back to MK. He was ok about it but I was bummed.


So he sat over by the monorail to wait for us and a SUPER kind CM had come up and chatted with him and he was mentioning his predicament. Well she told him to just ask a tapstyle CM to fix the reservation and it worked out fine! Everyone was so nice. Now I assume everyone’s mileage may vary on this depending on crowds but phew so glad that worked out.

We decided that we would just take it easy and enjoy the low crowd morning and not try to race from ride to ride. 7DMT was down at rope drop so we just kind of watched and felt sorry for the poor people that were back into Dumbo’s circus. We got a nice breakfast at Friar’s nook.

Our boarding group was called during early entry which surprised me so we went right over there. Blue umbrella was VERY kind and added Jeff to our boarding group. The queue was very empty and they were sending empty cars! They should offer some sort of standby in the morning. Not sure how they would do it but it felt a shame to be sending empty cars. We walked on. I really liked it! I can see why it would be cool at night. DH kept telling us that he had read that it was only 14 seconds long so I was pleasantly surprised by the length and have no idea where he read that statistic…


We got Genie+ and were able to use the burn and churn method in the morning starting with Space Mountain and Pirates. It was a pretty hot day and we wanted to eat lunch outside the park so around 11:30 we took the launch over to the Grand Flo. We did a mobile order at the quick service whose name is escaping me and then we looked at all the eggs!



My favorite:


We got a Lyft back to All Start Movies and got our room number on our way over there! We picked up our bags and walked to our room which was in kind of a farther out section but it didn’t seem too bad! We hit up the hockey pool!

No water slide but DH and I enjoyed it! And we love the theme.

Hockey aside, I missed the end of DS8’s season for this trip and the monumental parent vs. kids game! Very bummed. But my Dad stepped in… How adorable is this?


We took a nap and then took another Lyft to the TTC and walked over to the Poly for dinner. Tambu now seems to have a line to be seated vs. seat yourself which I actually thought was nice. It must be new though? We were being seated and a group of women tried to run in and grab our table.

After dinner I made an important stop on the way into Magic Kingdom. Thank you @OBNurseNH for telling me about this somewhat hidden gem!

I enjoyed it from our private fireworks location!


It’s been that way since at least August 2023. It is a nice change.

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You’re welcome! I had heard of it some time back but had never made it there before February. It’s noW going to be a must-stop :wink:


I hope you mean NOW! Or at maybe the line will be shorter for me…

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LOL yes, now :slight_smile:

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I thought that this picture was from Epcot but it’s Main Street behind us and I’m still not entirely sure where we took this…


You’re at the castle here. At the front end of the tunnel

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Ok yes! We came through the castle on our way out after the fireworks.


Saturday we rope dropped Epcot! I looked through timestamps for another thread but we got dropped off at the Swan at 7:46am and then walked via the Boardwalk with a quick stop at Boardwalk Bakery and by the time we got over to the taps they were already open. We walked right through and were held briefly on the bridge to France. I don’t know exactly what time we were let back but we probably waited about 10 minutes overall. We came off around 8:45 because I still had to wait in line before Les Halles opened!

We chose not to rush anywhere next because not much was open in World Showcase at this point.

You’ll notice that DH is speaking to me again after I “failed” to wake him up before 7am this morning.

We found our way through the NEW walls up at Epcot over to World Nature. It was only a little humid…

I really enjoyed this area but I do wish they had gone a tad bit farther in terms of splash pad stuff for the kids. A real, small water park would have been awesome.

I guess I don’t take many pictures when my kids aren’t with us… My DBIL is from Ireland and there was an important Rugby match of some kind this day so we told him who we thought would win…

One thing we really wanted to do without the kids was see all of the live entertainment. But boy does Disney make it hard to do. I felt like we were racing across Epcot the whole day. We got all but Canada and I’m still annoyed we couldn’t fit it in.

We had a fun Liner experience as well! Christina and Len were at Epcot this day and Chrissy had posted on Instagram that they were hiding prizes in lockers. They posted the locker number and combination on Chat. She did the front gate lockers early in the day and said she would do the IG lockers after 3pm. I made DH hang out over there to see if I could find Chrissy and Len but had no luck. I cannot believe we missed the Canada show because I paced between Canada and France forever. We missed Chrissy and Len but I got the prize! Thank you @len !

We had dinner at Spice Road Table and watched Luminous from the front and that was a wrap on our quick trip!

See you in October!



That’s so cool :slight_smile: :slight_smile: