Pop Centuary - refurbished rooms

Can anyone tell me which rooms at Pop have been refurbished, or will be done by August? TIA.

I believe building 8 is what I read so far and the rest is supposed to take about a year so I wouldn’t imagine they’ll be done by August but I think it’s entirely possible that at least one more building could be done by then.

I’m staying in Dec at Pop so this is something I’ve been looking at closely.

I read an article that some rooms are done and available already, however you need to expect to see constructions on other floors of the building where rooms are finished. The construction should only be noticeable during the day according to Disney.

I’ll try to dig up the article and see if it says which rooms are already done, but honestly everything I have read said that when you send the room request simply request a newly refurbished room and the resort will do their best to get you one if it’s available.