We leave in 5 days for our first summer trip to wdw. My hurricane tracker says there is a 40% chance of a hurricane developing in the atlantic over the next week. The heat index is forecast to be over 110 F some days and instead of rain showers in the afternoons, they are saying scattered thunderstorms starting in the morning and continuing through the evening for at least a couple of days. Is it really going to be that bad? It sounds like ideal conditions for braising vegetables but not so much for park touring.
According to the National Hurricane Center, the two disturbances in the Atlantic that they are watching are halfway between Africa and South America and have about a 20% change each of developing into a tropical storm in the next 5 days. (My guess is the hurricane tracker somehow combined the 20% chance of each one developing to get 40%, even though that’s not really how that works.) It’s pretty warm here, and so you’ll want to make sure you use plenty of sunscreen, drink lots of fluids, and take breaks as needed. In the past week, we’ve had one day where it pretty much rained from mid-morning through late afternoon. It’s summer weather, but as long as you use some common sense, you’ll be fine.
I gave up tracking FL weather prior to my trip. It changes daily. That being said, either way it will be HOT! Bring extra clothes because you won’t want to be in the same sweaty ones all day. And carry ponchos in a backpack. Rain is actually great! It cools you off and drives people out of the parks.
<img my DS13 loves the rain…he says is scares off the locals and the Disney rookies!src=“//tpforum.s3.amazonaws.com/39651c0bec4b8697157bf33a3164ba6b287b7e487620.jpg” width=“680” height=“436”> DS 13 loves the rain, he says the rain scares off the locals and the Disney “rookies”.
You changed your name?? Good thing you left the same profile pic or I’d be lost.
Ya…my old name was boring. I feel my new name is alittle more “La Cava”
I like it! Those are my absolute favorite movies!
That is how we family vacation… Griswold style!
I have lived in Florida now for 12 years and have been coming to Florida since 1979. IF there is a Hurricane and that is a huge if, WDW does its best to take care of you and you can be assured that all of the resorts are up to HUrricane codes and you will be safe.
Another note is… many locals tend to evac TO WDW during a hurricane. My friends did it in 2004 twice and each time CMs took care of them with activities at the resorts, special food and when the parks were open it was very fun for them as they were empty and they just ponchod it up.
So just be prepared for wet weather, it thunderstorms pretty much daily in Fl anyway and if a Hurricane happens to come by you will be taken care of there.
Thanks, everyone! That makes me feel a lot better. We can do it and will have a great time!!
When visiting Orlando in the summer, I’m usually surprised if it doesn’t rain sometime in the day, usually in the late afternoon. You usually don’t get rained out for the whole day, though, unless one of the tropical systems passes through.
I’m not a fan of the rain, since Disney photography is a hobby and my camera isn’t real fond of being soaked, but my backpack fits well under and poncho and I now wear waterproof sneakers and fast-drying clothing on my visits during the humid months. Whether it’s hot and sweaty, rainy, or I get splashed on one of the rides, I’m now prepared.