Just DH and I on this trip in August. EMH on our MK day. Is it worth it to go to Plaza Restaurant for breakfast? FIrst fast pass isnt until 9:30am and i"ve made an ADR for 8:00 at the Plaza. IS the food good and worth a table credit?
I enjoyed my breakfast. The lobster eggs Benedict was very good and the mimosa was very good (better than BOG). Although I do think it is a very bad use of a credit. I used a deluxe credit and other meals more than made up for that credit for me.
Thanks for the input. I’ll keep the ADR for now and decide when it gets closer.
I’ve heard good things about the breakfast. If you’re looking at any meals being out of pocket (because you have a 2-credit meal sometime in your trip) this would be a good one
We did it in April and enjoyed it (no dining plan). But we planned it for a PPO ride at SDMT. Didn’t work as they held us in front of the castle until opening.
Only BOG gets you a ride advantage.
What time does the park open? It sounds like you’re spending your EMH hour eating.