Place for a physically distant meet up?

Some of our best friends live about 30 minutes from the world, and we usually see them every trip but this trip has been more complicated due to covid. We have been trying to find a place where we could meet up while still physically distanced but the complication is that we each have three kids LOL. Anyone who’s been recently, do you have any ideas about a place where our families could meet for physically distanced, short visit? We considered getting a babysitter but also not an option due to Covid.

I was wondering if there was someplace on property where there is opportunity for adult beverages outside while kids can run around etc. I remember when we stayed at the poly they had that circular area outside of pineapple lanai where we met a family and had drinks while kids ran around in that area. Of course back then there was a DJ and games and I’m pretty sure they had some kind of glow in the dark dance party :joy: obviously those things are canceled now. But does anyone know if there is something like that where we could meet our friends? We also looked into after 5pm convention tickets for Epcot but the first convention is in Feb.

Anyway I thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask here for ideas. Thanks everyone :pray:t2:

There are probably better suggestions, but House of Blues in Disney Springs has a takeout bar next to this big open area, and I believe there are benches and such:

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Yes this is what I’m looking for. Wide open spaces! :rofl:

Coronado Springs Resort has some out door areas… even a lawn chess board. I’ve seen kids/teens out in the grassy area playing tag, flag football etc. I can’t show you a fancy map view since all the satellite photos are still during construction.

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This is a resort we’ve wanted to check out so this could be a good spot. Thank you!!

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Cool… they also have a beach area w/ hammocks east of the Tower, quick walk

Awesome, thanks! This is looking like a great choice.

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I am trying to figure out if Three Bridges is open? I thought it was table service but on the website it only lists hours open 4:30 - 12 pm and no way ton reserve a table. Do you happen to know if it’s currently walkup? I was thinking this would be a great place to mobile order and sit outside with our friends but it isn’t showing up on mobile order site, either.

Three Bridges is like a lounge similar in style to Geyser Point. There is a bar but also sit down. Lounges don’t take reservations. It is open air and in the middle of the lake. It can be rather cold when the heat lamps aren’t working properly.

I don’t remember there being a grassy area. But the kids can probably run up and down the bridges. Don’t think you can sit outdoors and actually see all three bridges at the same time.

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It seems that all play grounds are closed right now too. But you could pick up food from the pool area (not very good). I’d grab food from Rix instead or the food court and take it outside if it’s nice. In order to get into the resort area, unless your getting there internally, you’ll need a reservation. Rix (I think that’s the name) is a sports bar.

Got it, thanks all for your expertise!

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