Photography and Pre-RD Crystal Palace

I have an 8:25 pre-rope drop ADR at the Crystal Palace. Someone on the November Liner FB page has an 8 am ADR that she’s willing to coordinate to give me. I’m not sure if I should take it or not. What do you think?

I know that 8 am is the gold-standard of pre-RD ADRs, but will the earliest time give me enough time to do some photography on the way in? I’d gotten used to the idea that I would have from about 7:45 to a bit after 8:00 to take pictures. I figured I’d check in a bit early. On the other hand, with an 8 am ADR I won’t have to worry a bit about breakfast cutting into prime ride time. I don’t know what to do! Help me decide please.

Never mind. The opportunity came to a head, so I took it. I hope I made the right decision. Does anybody want to join me for breakfast on 11/4? I have an ADR for 4 people now. :smile:

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We had an 8:05 ADR last month. As you have been to MK before I would say stick with later time and take your photos at your leisure

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i think you made a good choice. When we had an 8.05 ADR back in Jan, we were a bit disorganised and late and were walking down Main Street at just gone 8am - it was pretty busy - think your window for taking photos of an nice empty street would be long over by 8.25.

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Thanks you for your input @Ellen1976 and @Markgrowlands. I hope I did the right thing by taking the 8 am one! I’m not worried about being late. I’m very much a morning person, especially on vacation. I think it will be good. I’ll aim to get to the MK gates at 8:40. That will maximize my photo taking time. I can always take photos later too, especially if I decide not to rush to any attractions.

In Jan. we had an 8:05 pre-rd ADR at CP. We got to MK at 7:25 and people were already lined up. They let us through the tapstiles at about 7:40, then they held us under the left tunnel another 5 minutes or so. People will be going for CRT and BBB appointments, so we had to wait a few minutes for them to get out of the way of our castle picture. :smiley: It’s really awesome to see MS so empty! You will love it! We’re doing it again next Jan. Here’s a picture:

The weather wasn’t the best, but it was still an awesome morning!


Sally, we had an 8:25 CP breakfast on Saturday. We arrived at MK at 7:45. Plenty of time for photographs. MSUSA was not empty. Maybe it is less populated earlier in the morning.

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That spot will always remind me of 24 hour day and ‘performing’ in front of the live feed camera.


@SallyEppcot, we were surprised at how little time we actually needed for the empty MS and family castle pics…probably about 15 mins. So, if you are in by 7:40 or so, you should be okay…even if you arrive a few mins after 8:00. Priceless pics for sure. :smile:

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Thanks @Jayzeeduck. I’ll be by myself too, so I should be able to take scenery and detail photos pretty quickly without my kids distracting me. I’m sure it will be fine.

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That sounds excellent. Have a blast !! :wink:

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Do they confirm your ADR before letting you in the park? I would love to get in early to take pictures before the crowds!

Yes, you have to have an ADR to get into the park early. :slight_smile: