Park Ticket Screw Up By Disney

We had an unpleasant surprise using a single day pass at Animal Kingdom on Sat 4/22. We were initially denied entry into the park because Disney said we already used this ticket at another park. I purchased park hopper tickets for MK & Epcot for 2 days (Thurs & Fri) and had them mailed to my house. I then purchased a single day park ticket for AK and those were emailed (so I wouldn’t confuse the tickets). According to Disney they prioritized my tickets and somehow the single day ticket got used at the MK on Thursday, instead of the park hopper ticket. An 1 1/2 wait at Guest Services in Animal Kingdom got it straightened out, but Disney never gave me a good explanation as to whether this was my fault or theirs?? Anyone have any ideas…just curious.

Why did you not just add a 3rd day to your 2 day ticket?

If you have more than one ticket linked in MDE they do get prioritised.

You need to check when you first use one that it has worked the way you wanted it to. I don’t know if the order they’re listed on MDE is the order they’ll be used or not. At least you now know to check.

Noone’s fault though!