Park Hours For June

I think I read another liner saying that Disney may change park hours a a few weeks before the date. We are heading down in June and I am wondering how different the tp park hours estimates are versus WDW??? It seems they have put closing so early right now through the first week of June. Any thoughts??

I have been watching the hours trying to predict June too. I expect it is all a guess at this point.

Here is some well informed speculation…


Just read on DFB that Disney released 5/30 - 6/5 park hours.


Yes they were released and I expect when the rest of June is released those initial hours will be the same (no park open past 7 and MK until 6). I also expect those will not be the hours we will have during our trips.


I mean how can they be when the Epcot local bands are performing until 8:30pm. They’ve got to extend. Kids will be out of school and my guess is hours will be like spring break. Weekdays and weekends alike.

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The local bands are playing the weekends only? They will extend those June hours but I think we need to see if every APR is booked, everyday or park capacity is increased before we begin to think it will be the same hours?

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They only just extended the hours for the 5th of April a couple of days ago. So two weeks ahead is when they’re making decisions, even for a time like Spring Break when the parks were fully booked.


I just don’t see having short hours during a peak time. So I would think we see adjustments. Just makes it hard for ADRs. I guess we will book both ways (early and late) until we see more concrete numbers.


When we were there January 2020, they extended park hours that morning on one day! So I’m just preparing to flex at any moment. (8 million contingency plans swimming through my brain…:fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::crazy_face:)


i’m considering cancelling our trip if the hours don’t open up for the end of June. My kid will be miserable if we RD more than one or two days. I really don’t want to cancel but i hate the crush of crowds mid-day. We will be able to travel next March thanks to my new schedule so that might be the new plan. I can’t believe I’m even considering it because planning this trip is what has gotten me through the last 6 months!!! By March 2022 maybe DAH, WAT and Cirque du Soleil might also be back.


I’m sure you’e read this on the forum, but the most common time is 2-3 weeks out to update hours.

I’m going end of May with the following hours:

MK: 9-6
EP: 11-7
HS: 9-7
AK: 9-5

We’re going without kids for the first time, so we’ll be able to be a bit more flexible, but I understand your concerns.


They will extend the hours. I would put $1000 on it that’s how sure I am.


Thanks! Someday a grown up trip! Have a great time!

Thanks! I’ll borrow some of your optimism! I think I’ve reached my limit of uncertainty in general! Thanks again.

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For example the live bands at Flower & Garden perform at 6:30, 7:30 or 8:30pm … well how can they have a 2nd show at 7:30 if Epcot really closes at 7pm? I think summer hours will mirror spring break hours. School’s out and more and more people are getting vaccinated. I’d even be willing to be this summer the % occupation will go up. Maybe Mid-July 6 weeks after every 16+ has had a chance to get their first vaccine by.


Oh that makes sense. Plus I can imagine many people would enjoy the evening hours when it’s hot.

I believe they will extend the hours but the live bands are not scheduled every night are they?

no, they are Fri-Mon so yes it’s possible weekdays will be shorter hours. However, this last week the 11am-11pm was every night I think. I can’t see how summer would be different than Spring Break if more kids are out of school at the same time and more adults are vaccinated.

I agree, at least starting the second week of June when Florida schools are out, if not earlier.