Overdue Trip Report Nov 27-Dec 8

Great trip report! Boathouse is one of my favorites and is a must do for me. I used to love their lobster stuffed with crab entree but they got rid of it after 2020. Last time I got the filet sliders and they were wonderful. I’ve never had a bad meal there. The lobster roll will be ordered on my next trip for sure.

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Missed this TR until it popped back up. KC in the house!!! Happen to be as dumb as me and end up at that Chiefs game Saturday? So fun and so lucky to not end up hospitalized with hypothermia.



Love it! I would have thought you were a CM.

:rofl: :rofl:

OY :rofl:

I enjoyed your TR! When will there be more Mustang pics in the countdown thread, hmmm??!!

wellll, I guess I should get a countdown going for our cruise this Sept

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You definitely should. Where are you cruising?

4 night smack in the middle of hurricane season cruise to Nassau. My first time ever on a cruise ship

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I hope you love it. I LOVE cruising.

I first read 4 night “snack”, and I thought, yeah, not THAT is an apt description of cruising (if you add day with it too, so much food) :rofl: