Onsite priveleges - fast pass?

We’ve booked onsite 4 nights , 5 days.
My question is this, do we have fast pass and early hour priveleges for the 5 days? ie check in day and checkout day? or is it just for full days?

Also, I’ve packaged a 10 day park pass with the onsite accom (MYP) - email I got today says I depart on the 10th day - surely I’d be wishful thinking that the other perks would last for the 10 day length? even though we’re only on site for 5? :smile:

Another q - when you book your FPP at the 60 day out mark, does it let you book for your entire stay, or do you have to do 60 days out from each day - ie one day at a time over a period of days?

Sorry if these have been asked before!

You have EMH for all 5 days. The FPP may allow you to book all 10 days. Look at the calendar when you get to your 60 day marks. It happens even though it is not supposed to.

I’m not sure about your other questions, but your FPP window will open up for your entire stay at the 60 day mark