Just finished checking in! I used my desktop (phone was available on standby) and got through the whole (abbreviated) process for both staterooms and got the 12:45pm check-in time! I know from the Facebook group that the earliest one that was not concierge (12:00pm) was 12:30pm. So we are basically in the second boarding group.
I did the check-in sequentially – one cabin after the other – and by the time I finished the second the PATs had not advanced any further, so we are both in the same PAT at 12:45pm.
Hooray! Biggest stressful item of the pre-trip planning is done.
Hooray indeed! That is always a nice big checkmark off the list once that’s done! I’m so happy it was so easy for you. Did you also check for Royal Gathering?
I almost didn’t mention it just in case you had forgotten and it would be all for naught to check if it had already sold out & my mentioning it would be sour grapes. But I figured, there’s still a chance some availability in the morning and you could still snag (or you already had it and didn’t mention it) so I went ahead and mentioned it. I’m sure your DW will have a grand time decking out your DD’s in princess attire for it!!
Well I’m glad you decided to mention it! And that there was still availability. I’m sure we could do without (and what the kids don’t know can’t hurt them), but the girls especially will love it. And it’s included!
Do you think it’s worth doing a pinned post or a new thread with the specific instructions that you and @lolabear_la have compiled? I think the dates/times, documents, etc are really helpful to understand clearly.
Our first cruise I was 8 minutes late and there was nadda left and getting onto the ship with a group of 14 of us was already hectic enough that I totally forgot to check on embarkation day. But I thought the same as you, what the kids don’t know can’t hurt them & didn’t stress.
And then we ate breakfast at the dining room right next to the atrium the morning the princess gathering started up and DD3 needed 2 bathroom breaks during that sit-down meal and so twice she asked about getting into line with the princesses (that we didn’t have a reservation for). Luckily she was easily persuaded that going back back to bfast with cousins was more fun, but if you hadn’t been able to get a time, I would say avoid the atrium with any princess fans that morning (and make a point to track them down individually which is totally possible & also included!)
It isn’t guaranteed but it sounds like from Facebook cruise group chatter that I’ve seen that most people are able to get off the waitlist as the cruise gets closer (like 1-2 weeks before). If all else fails, look in your Navigator app once you’re connected to port wifi and there should be an “Activity” that should list where a Dining Team will be available for you to check with for requests like changing main dining, changing your dining rotation and reservations for Palo. I think on our sailing they were outside one of the dining rooms (but I forget which now). If a dining team isn’t listed anywhere then Guest Services.
No, they do an early show during first dinner seating and then a second show during second dinner.
We’ve always had second dinner bc we are night owls coming from Mountain Time to a cruise in East Coast time and so eating at the first seating would be like 4ish for us and not dinner at all.
The long days can be tiring and I have plenty of pics of DD3 fast asleep on me during dinner (or once in a bed the servers made her by pulling together extra chairs and tucking her in with extra tablecloths as blankets) from our first cruise. Once we realized dinner was hard for her to make it through we made sure she had cheese pizza and fruit from the pool deck at some point before show/dinner & then she would sometimes wake up after dinner & we could (and most nights did) get room service too (Mickey bars at midnight are one of our favorite cruise traditions).
But I did like that she was more awake for the shows & only missed on a plate of mac n cheese at dinner.