Long time forum stalker first time posting. A couple of months ago I was speaking with my wife about New Year’s Eve which also happens to be her birthday. She has always wanted to go to Times Square for it and just the thought made me want to run away. And she said well if we can’t do that she wanted to try magic kingdom and I was sold.
So we booked a trip for this year 12/26-1/2.
Hoping to get tickets for the dessert party so we can get a decent view and not have to go crazy. Does anyone know when the NYE dessert party tickets go on sale and what may be the best way to ensure we get some.TIA!!
This is not directly answering your question, but I was recently listening to an episode of WDW Prep to Go where they were there over NYE, and they talked about Disney’s Countdown to Midnight, a party at the Contemporary with open bar, a buffet with stations of food all provided by the various signature restaurants, and a special fireworks viewing area. If you want really go all out that might be something to look into.
We did the dessert party at MK on 12/30 in 2019 (and spent 12/31 at Epcot which was a great choice as it was not that crowded and MK was crazy crowded). I am pretty sure we were able to book at our 180 day ADR date, so in June? Disboards has threads on NYE, and will probably update when they are available, so I would check there later in the year.
Okay I went to the Dis…many said they booked on July 6th. Pretty sure we booked the day they became available as they will go quickly.
Thanks I will be sure to start looking early and often and checking the DIS boards.
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