Hi there! I’m very new to Touring Plans, so I apologize if this seems super silly. I’m trying to make my plans for our different days in October and am just having some problems. When I put in my info and hit evaluate, the ride times won’t show past 12:00pm in AK. I have the time frame we will be there from 11am-3pm, so I’m just really confused. It’s also doing the same thing for the night we will be doing MNSSHP… it won’t show past 7:35. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any advice you all can give It’s really appreciated!
One thing I’ve found is if I have something listed at a time that it isn’t available and do evaluate, it’ll show N/A past that point. For example, certain attractions at Epcot close at 7PM. If I plan for us to arrive at those past 7PM, it’ll N/A everything after that point. If you plan something like Rivers of Light early in the day, it might do the same thing there. Could it be something like that?
For the night of the party, did you tell it you were doing the party and extend your end time through the end of the party?
I’m by no means an expert, but if you can make your plan public and post a link to it, some of the veterans here might be able to see what’s going on.
Thank you so so so much, that fixed it! I didn’t even realize… ugh. Disney changed their site to say 7DMT and BTMR are both open during MNSSHP, but Touring still says closing at 7 so I’ll just have to wait until it’s updated. Again, thank you, it was driving me nuts lol.
You’re welcome! Glad that worked!