Need Advice, haven't been since 2020 (AH, LLMP, additional days?)

Just booked a trip for myself and DD18 for May 26 - June 2. It’s been on my bucket list for a while to take each of my children separately on a trip to DW so this is trip 1 of 3 (the other dates TBD). We are staying at POP. Flight lands around noon on day 1 and flight leaves at 9pm on day 8. Initially, we have planned for a 7 day park hopper. Exploring other options but have never used any type of LL. We plan to take advantage of early entry but have no EEH because not at deluxe obviously. There are so many things to consider…no parks on day 1 and instead taking advantage of the free waterpark entry…doing one After Hours party…not doing an AH party but instead doing LLMP at EP and HS for a day each…

I really have no idea. Do you really not know the cost of the LLMP until days before the trip?

Should we scrap all the extra and just rely on making touring plans since it’s just the two of us?

Can you still add days to a ticket prior to entry on your last day?

Any and all advice welcome!

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This is a good way to start. Plug in your must do’s and see if LL’s are necessary. And good idea taking advantage of a free day at the water park.


If the choice is 1 AH party or using the same funds for LLMP (and LLSP?), then I would spend the money on LLs.

Plan on taking advantage of EE as many days as you are willing to get up early. That 30 minutes makes a big difference in what you can experience in a day.


I don’t know the answer to this.

We have been to WDW in June 2022, December 2023, May and December 2024. We have not used any type of LLs. We were on property and used early entry and rope drop. Some of us toured more leisurely tho some of the trips had late teens/early 20s along who merely kept an eye on the wait times using DME and could move fast thru the parks.

In June and May we definitely headed out of the parks once the temperature reached 90 degrees - about 11 am. We then returned to a park about 4 to 5 pm.


Thank you!

This is what I was thinking was best. Thank you!

If it was me taking this trip, I wouldn’t do park hopper and instead focus on getting LLMP, but to each their own! Each approach has its own benefits, and you’ll be able to spend a lot more time at one park with hoppers! Totally for it!

Will be following to answer any LLMP questions you might have! I feel pretty well versed in that end :slight_smile:

Ooooo….now I hadn’t even considered no hopper and more LLMP. :thinking: We’ve always done park hoppers in the past but we haven’t been since Fastpasses went away (except for 2020 when there was nothing). I appreciate the suggestion and need to do some thinking (and some math!). Thank you! I will for sure reach out if I have questions about LLMP. :grin:

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An alternative point of view regarding park hopper tickets which we always do. But then we don’t buy LLs.

The nice thing about Disney is there are no wrong ways to tour. Lots of choice.

We always take a break - especially in warmer weather. The former crowd level charts do not seem to be available currently. Wait time are what there is.

Because of those things I’ve come to consider each day as two different touring blocks - morning and evening. We might arrive at MK about 30 min before earliest opening and head for Adventureland, working our way around towards Haunted Mansion until it’s too hot or too crowded.
After our resort break we might head to HS for some ride favorites when the wait times and possibly crowds are lower and temperatures are cooler.

For a 5 day trip there are 10 park blocks. Some parks or part of parks seem not like evening or morning.

As I’ve said, there’s no wrong way or right way. Some use LL for HS but not Epcot or AK. Just as long as y’all enjoy your time together.


This is the way.


I’d start with the attractions you want to do/see, the restaurants you hope to eat at, and your budget. Go from there. If you tolerate early mornings well and capitalize on EE and use VQ well, then LLMP may not be needed. If you or your daughter don’t tolerate lines well, then LLMP might be more important. With 7 park days you have a lot of flexibility so it really depends on your personal preferences.

FWIW, my family and I love AH. We prefer nights to early mornings and it feels special to be in a near-empty park. We also like hopping because we like to eat at certain places.

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Thank you for this. I appreciate all the perspectives and it does help us decide! We have only ever traveled to Disney as a whole family of 5 so this will be different for us! We aren’t morning people unless we are at Disney :rofl: and I totally get the appeal of AH. We did MNSSHP years ago. It was so nice.

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Smaller is definitely different!

I like both the exclusive trips and the extended family trips.

Perspectives are different as well


My plan is to eventually take them each individually if I can. I’m so excited to see how the dynamic is. They all love some of the same things but also very different! Can’t wait!


I think this is awesome plan