I would just add that, while World Showcase will be open during evening EMH… it may not be that lively. We had planned to spend our whole two hours of evening EMH wandering the WS, but many of the carts, shops, and restaurants were beginning to close or had already closed during the first hour. That caused us to wander back over to Future World, but you may love the sleepier feel at that time of day. YMMV. Have so much fun!
Absolutely! Monsieur Paul (formerly Le Bistro de Paris) is directly above Les Chefs and is a signature French dining experience. On the DDP, it counts for 2 dining credits. I will admit that it’s been YEARS since I had dinner at LC, and could well have changed, but I was not impressed with my lunch of several years ago.
Not necessarily a perfect “grand finale” to an EP day (my grand finales are typically an adult beverage in Mexico or GB), but if motion sickness is a concern, saving it for the end of the day is perhaps wise - but I’m not sure if it’s open until the end of PM EMH.
I have not tried the other France restaurant, Monsieur Paul’s, but I think that would be the way to go for a nice anniversary meal. Honestly, it can’t be worse the CdF, which in my opinion (and yes, it was a few years and ago and was just lunch) was reminiscent of eating at Applebees or something. Though my kids ordered really excellent chicken tenders! And the service was excellent. As with all restaurants at WDW, you will find some on here who love it, so your experience really may differ.
Honestly, if motion sickness is an issue, I would have your DD19 skip it whether it’s first or last. It’s not worth getting sick over. Save that for Sum of all Thrills, which is way, way better, IMHO.
Oh! I see that now @bswan26 & @Iheartepcot.
Hmmm. Now you gots me thinkin’: Use 2 credits at Monsieur Paul and skip 50s Prime Time Café the next day? Or 1 credit at CdF and keep 50s in the plan?
This whole meal plan thing is a confusing monster.
My opinion of lunch at CdF is that the only things “french” about the meal were the names on the menu. All I could think of was the scene from National Lampoon’s Europran Vacation where they’re at a restaurant in Paris and in the kitchen the chefs were opening American frozen dinners and putting little paper French flags in them…
That’s a tough call - 50s is a lot of fun and has very good food… Before you make the switch, you may want to wait for some folks with more current CdF dinner experience; the menu is completely different, and it may be much better than lunch…
You also could just pay OOP for 50s. Skip or share dessert to save a bit. Or pay for MP’s OOP and then have the two dining credits left for other meals, including 50s.
It’s remarkable what a similar experience @bswan26 and I had at CdF, lol. But I agree that you maybe want to hear from folks who have been for dinner and more recently.
Bwahahahaa! That’s funny, @bswan26!
Maybe it’s my California ignorance, but if it’s really that bad, why does it add up to almost a $200 meal for 4 people?
I think my dining paradigm needs some adjusting.
My only regret is that I have but one heart to give to this post.
[quote=“thechindo, post:18, topic:6933”]
ou mention Mission Space, @FlyerFan1973. DD19 has complained about motion sickness in the past. I’d hate to start the day with that and ruin her day.[/quote]
@thechindo, It’s hard to describe Mission Space, since I’ve never been on anything else quite like it. I will say this, I have never been sick on any roller coaster or any other theme/amusement park attraction and at this point in my life I’ll ride pretty much anything at least once. I’ve never been seasick, carsick, airsick, or anything along those lines, but Mission Space is the one attraction that makes me a little uncomfortable. The worst I’ve ever felt is a little dizzy afterward, though only once (I’ve ridden at least nine times) has this feeling lingered more than a couple minutes. There’s something weird about looking at the display screening while spinning rapidly in the centrifuge.
In any case, it’s hard to give advice on how someone else will handle the ride. Trying at the end of the day is a good idea, though it’s not a catastrophe if your daughter sits this one out. If she’ll regret not trying it, then riding once, maybe on the “less intense” side may be ok, but if she doesn’t have the attraction on her “must do” list, then I’d skip it.
Because it can. I’ve had (not necessarily at WDW) $75 dinners that have pretty much sucked and a $10 burrito that was like a bite of heaven. I’ve learned, often the hard way, that price and quality are not ALWAYS directly proportional.
YES! Awesome idea.
Regarding Mission Space, the Green side doesn’t spin (I think - I may have the sides mixed up), so maybe DD would want to try that first. Last time we went, DS rode Green first, then immediately got in line to ride Orange. Of course the side without spinning is half the ride…
Yes, Orange spins and Green does not spin. I’m a thrill ride junkie with ZERO motion sickness issues, so the green side is not a problem for me (I find a couple of La Cava margaritas enhances the experience), but I tried the green side once “just to have done it”. I think the orange side is a cool ride. The green side was like watching TV in a small dark closet with someone kicking your chair.To me the G forces ARE the ride, and if you don’t want to risk motion sickness, I would recommend just skipping it entirely…
[quote=“bswan26, post:36, topic:6933”]
I find a couple of La Cava margaritas enhances the experience[/quote]
The margarita before flying to Mars has sorta become an ongoing joke in my family. You’d think they’d check blood alcohol levels before allowing you to operate a spacecraft, but we always seem to get through training with no problems.
We enjoy our dinners at CdF each visit. We usually ask for a window view and 9 times out of 10 are accommodated. Watching Illuminations from our table of very good food is always s treat. The Duck is very good and I usually order the steak. The Cheese board is good and the desserts are yummy. Hope you have a terrific anniversary meal.
We did lunch at CdF over July 4th weekend after not going there for several years because our first time there was pretty miserable. In addition to our server lying to us about when blackout dates were for TiW (he said that the entire July 4th weekend was blacked out instead of just the holiday itself, which we later found out wasn’t true), and being so rushed that our food was taken off the table while my daughter literally had her fork going to her mouth with a bite and having the check brought to us before our desserts were served, the food was mediocre at best. My husband joked that the only thing authentic about CdF is the stereotype about the impolite indifference-to-you French attitude. It will probably be another seven years before we go back. What we do enjoy is to grab some food from the CS in France, although finding seating can be a challenge. So, for French food, we just go to a little French cafe about 10 minutes from Epcot.