My descent into madness

It’s all just so challenging, in different ways in all the different scenarios.

If it’s a small comfort, at least in the UK it sounds like everyone is bearing roughly the same burden.

Here in Texas, our family is trying hard to do our part and are sticking pretty close to the CDC guidelines for the most part. But it really feels at times like our efforts are completely pointless with the number of people here just doing whatever.

With the numbers of vulnerable people being vaccinated, Houston area hospitalizations should be dropping rapidly, but they are barely edging down. A combination of variants, our state mask order being lifted and businesses fully re-opened, and people doing whatever is largely offsetting any benefits from vaccinations.

I’m optimistically planning a trip to WDW/UOR for June but keep reminding the family it might not happen. I’m jumping through hoops to book ADRs knowing we haven’t eaten inside a restaurant in over a year and will likely cancel them all if CMs aren’t vaccinated by then.

Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst.


I’ll admit, I chafe at some of the more extreme conservative protestors, just like I chafe at far left protestors. But I’m glad they’re there. They (protesters on both sides) have a function, and its to keep us from going too far to either extreme. If we don’t agree with protestors on an issue, that’s ok. We have a vote. But every issue needs an advocate to get the debate out in the open.


Wow, you said all of that perfectly as well! You guys are able to communicate your views without sounding accusatory and mean. I respect that greatly and hope one day I can do the same.


Hi @sanstitre_has_left_the_building

First - I want to say I am glad you shared this here.

Second - i am glad you are feeling better today.

I do not live alone. I live with a large family, and my mom and sister live close by. Also, by May of last year we had identified that most of our friends were as unconcerned as we were about the virus and our social lives have flourished. You would have thought that was enough to keep me happy. But I spent so much of last summer physically enraged. Despite the connections I was enjoying with some of our groups, we still had many limitations on activities including, but not limited to shopping, entertainment, sports, festivals, etc. So much was still being denied. I was also incredibly angry about the tremendous double standards and blame casting. Why could we have riots and buildings burning, but we couldn’t have parades and haircuts?? The problem was really - I was ANGRY all the time. I was getting chest pains and shortness of breath and just seething with anger. In the middle of the day, while I was cooking, while I was driving. I was raging angry at times and it was taking a toll. I had this feeling of oppression that I had never felt before. Logically, I knew I wasn’t behind the Iron Curtain, or such, but I felt this heavy hand on me. I had no capacity to feel much else. Mid-August I was actually scared about who I was becoming and I had to make changes. I stopped listening to news. I started exercising daily. I started setting my alarm for an hour later. I took a break from social media. I enjoyed close to three months of feeling happier and healthier - despite the fact that the NY lockdowns didn’t really improve.

November I had another come apart. This time it wasn’t anger, but despair. But by this point our decision to move out of NY was solidified and I’ve thrown myself into prepping to leave. It is helping with my mental health. I have an escape plan. It’s all that keeps me going someday. That and our governor is kinda busy right now and he’s suddenly opening more up… so the acute oppression is abating.

That story of McDonald’s makes my blood boil. I would 100% be joining a mob if that was the case here.

Until last year I was pretty much a card carrying rule follower and I am shocked at how I have become more rebellious. I have always been disappointed when I’ve learned a friend found a doctor to sign off for vaccines for their kids for school. Now I sort of envy them.

As far as your back pack goes, I do love my LoungeFly bags, but they are very inflexible and would seem too hot for a day at Disney.

So - I am not lonely - but I’ve sure felt the madness…


I struggle with this a lot. I type, then erase, then type, then erase. It is very hard sometimes to come up with the right words that don’t offend someone. The internet is perfect for working on this skill, in real life I might come across more accusatory and mean. :rofl: Or not, who knows. You are doing fine, I sense a lot of passion behind your posts and many others that post here.


I always learn from and I hope learn in an empathetic way from when you share. We have seemed to have lost listening to one another, even if we each might have a different take. I really like being here to be helped to listen, think, care. It doesn’t happen enough.

I am SO happy for you and your family that you are excited to be starting a new family adventure to live somewhere where you will be able to embrace what you love and are made joyful in!! This really is what we are supposed to be: a country where everyone can be happy, fulfilled, joyful!

And I hope you find a house where alligators are Far, Far Away. :slight_smile: But If I get to buy my SC vacation coastal dream home someday I hope you will come visit me and admire my alligators. From our safe deck :slight_smile:


Ok. I’ve left out a big piece for me. My faith is what has ultimately pulled me out of the anger and despair. I don’t know why I sanitize that out. I’ve bared this much - I shouldn’t hold that back.


I would be delighted to visit with you. I’ll bring my alligator repellent.
Hopefully I’ll be near the mountains. You can hang on my deck and we will wave to bears.




This is sadly true.
I am sad that fewer in-person exchanges have occurred over this last year. I can’t help but wonder if the silos haven’t gotten larger because of it. I know at work there is a healthy exchange across all kinds of thoughts and I dearly love the face to face opportunities to share what makes us believe and support what we do as individuals. I love my diverse work environment.


Disney it is!! That was easy.


Alligators can climb, you know…


How can those tiny legs support their weight, logistically speaking?

I can’t barely get up out of my chair first try anymore…

Edit AND I have opposable thumbs!!!


No clue. It doesn’t look possible, but I’ve seen photos of alligators climbing fences.


I didn’t. So then we’ll have to put in tank traps on the deck stairs…


Ok - before @sanstitre_has_left_the_building yells at me and calls me a reptile level moron I’d better redirect alligator talk over here :arrow_right:


Is this because you are out of shape or drink too much? Or old? Or suffer from an inner ear disturbance?


or because @Bubblez has really comfortable chairs and thinks better of it…


D) All of the Above.


I’m late to reading and late to encourage and everyone else has done it so well but I wanted to throw in my reply as well. Your feelings are valid. As is your despair. I am so sorry you are feeling this way and I absolutely understand how you would internally rage at those who are living in the same pandemic you are, yet enjoying their lives with freedom intact. Absolutely valid.

I know you don’t pray but I do and I will be praying for you. This may not offer you much comfort but it’s all I know to do.

And FWIW, I carried my loungefly in the parks in December and it worked great as a park bag. Although I hadn’t even considered it bothering me in the summer! :persevere: I really like the one you had picked. Pattern placement totally makes a difference.