Mother/Daughter Trip of (Mostly) Firsts


Easy as pie. Kept all my park reservations. PhotoPass is set up!


Seeing several other reports of guests checking in at Poly, specifically Tokelau, with a variety of refurb conditions. Some with full refurb, some with half a refurb, and some with no refurb at all.

Seems to be related to shipping delays on the Murphy beds? At least that’s what one post said.

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I don’t know about the Murphy beds but here locally a small town high school is unfinished - can’t get all the supplies. Students are traipsing all over 2 campuses to get to where classes are. Maybe we’ll have a mild winter.

And some karate friends who are in construction in St Louis have reported being behind most of this year with supplies. They’re ready to work, if they had the stuff.

And let me just say, my right foot seems to be reporting a plantar fasciitis flare up but that’s got nothing to do with Murphy beds or covid shortages.

It could be sympathy walking tho . . .

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We got a late start due to dd’s delayed flight, but it was a great first day!

My Touring Plan started at 5pm and I had planned on knocking out all of Tomorrowland before 8pm when the park closed. Well, we ended up walking down Main Street at 6:30pm (after upgrading my ticket to an AP), and there were signs up as we entered Tomorrowland that it would be closing at 7pm. We quickly regrouped w/ a new plan… Space, Buzz, Small World, and Seven Dwarves.

Out of the four, they were all walk ons except for Seven Dwarves which was about 20 minutes (??). We figured take out 7DMT and Space so we don’t have to rope drop them on our full MK day on Saturday. We added Buzz and then I insisted on Small World since I was wearing my shirt, Magic Band, and ears. :sunglasses:

We are missing our Space Mountain photo.

Dd purchased a 50th popcorn bucket. The lid keeps popping off (like 10+ times in 1.5 hours). She managed to catch the bucket all but one time (popcorn spill at Small World).

Buzz somehow managed to stall us in the first room. Dd set herself up shooting at one target and ended up a Galactic Hero within a minute or two. She said she was kind of bored for the rest of the ride. (Will insert photo from dd once received)

Interestingly, all of the shops on Main Street were shut down as we were exiting the park. They REALLY wanted everyone out!

We took the boat launch back to the Poly. The “skipper” was hilarious (we were doing 360s in the middle of Seven Seas Lagoon) and apparently one of the launches is brand new (4 days old) and today was the first day it was in service.

Dinner at 'Ohana was wonderful. I had managed to pull our reservation back to 9pm (using mousewatcher) and it was the perfect timing. Dd’s friend (that traveled 2hrs to meet w/ us) was so excited to eat at 'Ohana for the first time (as were we) and it was great for dd and her to catch up after not seeing each other since the summer of 2019. The food was delicious and we sent dd’s friend home w/ all the leftovers! :slightly_smiling_face:

We were lucky to get a decent view (not up against the glass but could see most of everything) of Enchantment. I liked it but will hopefully have a better view tomorrow night from CG.

Tomorrow is AK. It will be the earliest morning of our trip. My goal is to be out at the bus stop at 6:30am for a 7:30am early entry.


More pictures…

Dh (who is home with ds) gave me my engagement ring here at Cindy’s fountain. He was amazingly romantic offering me a penny to make a wish. While was complaining about the lack of water in the well he got down on one knee …and after I made my wish he still asked me, “Is this what you wised for?” :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart::heart:

Every trip we take our picture here. If dh isn’t with us, we text him the photo …which we did yesterday.:sunglasses:

We really liked the shadows…


I am not sure what to look for as to what level of refurb we have.

Can you tell from that? Sorry, some bags in the shots.


That’s what ours looks like too. I think it’s just missing the Murphy bed.


Great start! Lovely pics. Enjoy AK today!

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Didn’t get to the bus stop until 6:40am… dd was running behind.

Apparently 2 AK buses have already left. :slightly_frowning_face:

AK bus arrived at 6:48… We are riding a 50th anniversary bus!

Guy at the stop told us they tried to drive but there was no early entry parking so they came back and took the bus.


7:11am… on our way in!

We are at back if the ticket booths. Arrived later than I would have liked (couple minutes after 7am)…but we should still be okay.


They are playing the song on my shirt!!!


Love the pictures of you and your DD and your engagement story :heart::heart::heart:

Have a great day!!!


FOP… 20 min posted… so far it is a walk on. CMs are halting the line at the actual entry and holding the line for a minute or so. I saw them hold it twice



Heading to Everest

Here’s a tree shot for you @OBNurseNH


Two 50th nods on the safari…


My goodness ain’t she pretty :heart_eyes:


Just getting caught up, but I love this engagement story, so sweet.

Have a great trip!


Planned on multiple trips on Everest, but after the first ride it went down.

I mixed up my TP this morning, calling an audible to do the safari before Everest. The mobile Lines app is not re-optimizing at all It is just getting stuck …so we are winging it.

Feathered Friends seems appropriate. :upside_down_face:


We are at the first “official” showing of Kite Tails.

The second picture has little kids walking in with tiny turtle “kites.” Hard to see but they were adorable.


Why did I take so long to follow along here :frowning: I’m glad to hear a positive about the kite tails. I think they look cute. They would be able to sell smaller ones too :wink:

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