Hi guys. Just 25 to go. Starting to feel close now.
Good morning @Steve1, I know just how you feel. 38 days to go for us. Passports came yesterday, only took a week, so we’re good to go. Just need to do all the finishing touches and organise my little boy’s birthday party. Have a great day everyone. Off to write my lists now…
Good morning @steve1 and @bigpeteswife and liners. Fun is just around the corner for you two. Have a great day.
Good morning! 37 days left for me, hope everyone has a great day today!
Good morning @Steve1 and Good morning Liners! All systems are go, commencing countdown: 10 days til I fly all the way to mars, overshoot the runway and still be welcomed into the astronaut Corp! Mission Space Complete POV Experience Epcot - Walt Disney World HD 1080p - YouTube
Morning!! 15 days!!! OMGEEEEEEE
Morning! That numbers getting low! Mine is still high 280!
11 days for me. Lots to do over the weekend to get ready.
Morning!!! Good numbers today… 30 to go!!!
34 Good morning everyone!
Good morning folks! If you can’t bring me with you for real, be sure to let us live your trip vicariously!!
47 days!
I would Luv to take you along, I can hear DW now: “Who is that, why is she sharing our studio and why are you calling her Luv?” So virtual tag along vacation it is! Oh, btw, the suitcases are out and the light packing has begun!
Woohoo ! 40 days to go !! Good Morning everyone - have a wonderful Wednesday.
A W K W A R D! I’ll just have to enjoy through your photos and colorful commentary! (And , this time we want a picture of that owners box!!)
34 Days out for me!
I’ve rejoined WDW chat. It would appear that the supposed cut out of non in park chat is yet to happen
111 until Pop!
Good morning, all! 52, 210, 367!
But 22 days until my DH and I fly off to Europe for a little adventure without our kiddos. Excited and a little nervous at the same time.
Hi everyone! I’m down to just 382 days! Realized today that a friend’s wedding falls on the same day as my one-year-'til-Disney Day. DBF has suggested that I should focus on what’s important that day, and I know I will. I mean, it’ll only be 365 days until Disney, how can I not focus on that?!