I have 3 families I am setting ADRs and FPs for so they are under my account, We are 45 days out and I am ready to start giving some chores to the adults. I want them to download the MDE app and become comfortable with Mobile ordering, so when the time comes they won’t give me a look like a deer in the headlights. Once they download the app, how do they get their information in front of them so they can see their names and practice looking at menus etc? We have the dining plan and there are 12 of us all together.
They don’t need to see their names because you don’t order for a specific person. You just order.
When you open the app, hit the + in the middle at the bottom and it brings this up
Then choose the restaurant
Order food
I can’t go any further now because all the restaurants are obviously shut and you can only do it when they are open. But from there it will bring up the menus and it’s pretty easy to use.
Thank you so much!!!
You’re welcome!
They do need to understand how the dining plan works, though, and what is included for a credit. Or does mobile ordering walk you through that so you don’t lose out on a drink or anything?
No I don’t think so, it just tells you how many credits you’re using. But only once you’re there.
Do you get a free drink with your quick service meal,or do you have to use a snack credit for your drink?
I sent the following question to Disney,but I haven’t heard from them yet.
"How to I apply my Disney dining plan when I order lunch, using a mobile app,for a quick service meal?
I was doing a practice run for my July 24 trip but the app. didn’t give the option to pay with my Disney dining plan.
One more question,do I get a drink with my quick service meal or do I have to use a snack credit. "
Thanks in advance
QS meals include a drink. It can be alcohol if it’s available.
Thanks, that’s what I thought. I did a practice order,and the menu said drinks are a snack credit. I guess they’re talking about someone just stopping in for just a drink.
Thanks again
The app may not give you the dining credit because ithe plan isn’t in effect yet. I am a little nervous about it but I figure a few others have figured it out so my family should be able to eventually figure it out.
My next challenge is to find quick service location in MK that sell alcohol.
Only Be our Guest i think
Skipper canteen sells beer also, but it’s TS. Sorry!
That’s all I find as well. I may just have to hide few drops of vodka to put in my Dole Whip
That sounds better.
MK was a completely dry park until BOG opened, and even then you could only get alcohol at dinner. It’s a fairly recent development to extend it to other TS restaurants, and BOG breakfast/lunch, and lots of people still aren’t happy about it.
That’s just sad. It can only be the happiest place on earth at 100 degrees and 100 percent humidity if alcohol is involved.
I usually tend to save my alcohol for all inclusive lying by the pool holiday personally, but since the dining plan includes it, it would be rude not to have the occasional cocktail.
To be honest,I was more nervous about making my FastPass+ reservations,than I am with making dinner reservations. I was afraid that when 7:00 am came around,I’d have some kind of computer or internet glitch that prevented me from making my reservations!
Everything want pretty good,so I stressed out for nothing.;0)