MNSSHP - TBA and Tron - Standby lines

Disney updated the attraction list to include both of these as Standby lines. If VQ is still running for park days, anyone have a guess as to when the standby lines will start? 4 pm? 6 pm? 7 pm?

Trying to figure out if we should target either of these on our Party day on Aug 13. This is our 1st party at WDW, so not sure what to expect. We will have another MK day on the trip, so as long as we can get to both on that day, neither will be a must do, but both will likely be a nice to do if not too busy.

Link to list showing both as standby available.!5060!3!593556053895!b!!g!!disney%20not%20so%20scary%20halloween%202024&CMP=KNC-FY24_WDW_TRA_EREFL_W365_HTK_MNSSHP_Ticket|G|5241213.RR.AM.01.01|MSEOKXC|BR|593556053895&keyword_id=aud-322338177353:kwd-2289796404441|dc|disney%20not%20so%20scary%20halloween%202024|593556053895|b|5060:3|&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwv7O0BhDwARIsAC0sjWPtxgQMWkBJC3AZ-9WL0PiOHMGEDt1io48UaamOBBtxUBLO3rJJV5EaAg8AEALw_wcB#drawer-card-parkFavorites



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Following as well

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This is my guess, not based on any inside information.

It almost certainly won’t be 4:00 pm as that is during regular park hours and would interfere with the VQ. Since the party starts at 7:00 pm I think that is the most likely official time that stand-by would start, but I could see WDW starting the stand-by line sometime between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm as the remaining regular park hour guest VQ line decreases.


My friends want to ride both of these. I don’t want to spend my party time standing in line.

I’m waiting on the liners on how to plan this.

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I would feel the same way. What time are you planning to go to the party? I would try to do both rides between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm through a combination of VQ and/or LL/ILL.


I second this! I wouldn’t want to spend party time in those lines either- unless they are under 20 mins.


On a Christmas party day last year (not attending) during a quick solo trip, I purchased an ILL for Tron during the last hour, 5-6pm. I walked up at 5:55 to no one else in line. No one. I was alone on the ride! It was amazing :star_struck:

There was a steady stream of people walking up to Tron when I exited. I’m not sure if they were being let into the standby line at that point though or if they were being held right outside it. I can’t remember what the standby rules/times were for last year’s parties.


Yes, really hoping we can try to get VQ or SP (former ILL) for Tiana for the time between 4 and 6.
I think they would pass on Tron if necessary. I remember them riding it last year when we were there but I honestly am not sure.


Tianna doesn’t have ILL to purchase.


When I did both MNSSHP & MVMCP last year they cleared the queue entirely between 6pm - 7pm to get day guests out of the park. I’d assume they’ll do it again here and allow standby to start at 7pm

Are they going to do both Standby & ILL??

There’s so much to do & so little time. The standby for popular attractions like 7DMT and Space Mt. had habitual 45+ minute waits. Those are great during the day, but at a party those can take up a good percentage of time.

If all you want to do is rides (no shows, fireworks, parades or character meets) then doing most of the rides at MK is possible. However, I had to divide the park in half over two parties to do all the rides along with the other offerings…

If they’ll offer ILL I’d do it. I know that’s more expense to the visit, but in this case time is truly is money at a MK party.


Thinking maybe tail end of the night just before midnight could be a decent target. If I have seen the stage show and parade, maybe we will try to ride some during the 2nd parade.

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I think Tron was VQ during parties last year, or at least this one.


We are doing a full MK day prior to the party day, so if all goes as planned, we will have everything in we wanted to, and this can be a night to take in the party events and ride a few must do re-rides for the fam.

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Correct. It is currently part of Genie+ and will be in the LLMP Group 1 attractions for prebooking.

Standby is currently VQ only but it is expected to go to Standby “soon.”


Following too.

I’ve got a 3-day 3-park ticket + tickets for MNSSHP. The morning of MNSSHP we will be going to AK. Found out this morning that the system was letting me purchase MK LLMP, so decided to risk it and purchased AK LLMP. If it doesn’t work, oh well, my contribution to the TP community :smiley: Will use a few of the selections for that morning, but intending on snagging some and using it for MK when we jump over at 4pm. I’ll keep the forum updated if this worked or not.


The 3 park is the one that excludes MK correct?

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Exactly! Which is why I was surprised it was allowing me to book that MK LLMP. So once it showed I could, I was like, “let’s risk it in the name of TP science” hahaha. Just to clarify again for future readers, will be booking AK LLMP to then try to get selections for MK post-4pm.


The day has come!! So exciting!

What is y’all’s plans tonight? Any advice for us? We are trying to get rides done, no character meets, but some trick-o-treating and at least one show!

Currently trying to see if I can get LLMP to work, but no luck so far.


What about VQ - did you attempt to get a BG?