MM Share- Question

I am sharing memory maker with a friend, but we will not be sharing any plans. We will be at different parks and have separate plans. I will also be there a few days earlier than her. She added me to her account and purchased memory maker. This is our first time sharing so we have a few questions…

Will my family and I automatically be added to the memory maker?

Will I be able to see the pictures on the app as they are taken? Or will I have to wait until we get home?

How will I know that I am on her memory maker?

Thank you in advance!

Any family members that have their own accounts need to connect to your friend as well. Any family members that are in your MDE also need to be connected. Think of it as connecting individuals not as connecting accounts.

You will be able to see your pics but they will have watermarks.

You are not technically on her memory maker. Basically, when she purchases memory maker and activates it, it gives her the ability to download any pictures that she can see in her MDE for a 30 day period. Because you are connected, she will be able to see your pics (and any other family members of yours who are connected) and download them for you. You will not be able to download them from your own account.

So will it be a problem that we will be there first? Since she has to activate it?

No. The 30 day window counts the number of days she will have to download pics that are active in MDE. Pics in MDE stay there (don’t expire) for 45 days. So it will be fine.