I am looking for suggestions for best touring plan of Magic Kingdom over 3 days (of our 8 day vacation to WDW) for our family of 7 which includes 4 daughters ages 9, 7, 4, and 3 and our infant son.
Our first day at MK on Nov. 23 will include a late arrival as our daughters BBB appt at DS at 9:30. We also have 4:05 dinner reservations at Cinderella’s Castle that day and will head to hotel following this. Suggestions for best use of time for attractions/ fast pass selection for our family here this day? Crowd level predicted to be an 8.
We will have two additional days at MK, likely Saturday Nov 24 (crowd level 7) and Monday Nov 26. (These dates could be modified possibly. We will be touring WDW till Nov 30). On these two days we would like to follow a structured touring plan, however, our goal would be to arrive prior to park opening both days, but likely wrap up our touring by 1:00pm ish and head back to our hotel without plans to return in the evening. In the past we have used 2 Day MK touring plan for parents with small children. That worked well. However now our daughters are older and taller and would like to see more than just what is on that touring plan (and also cut out some of the attractions at Tomorrowland that they do not have interest in). Im concerned about tinkering too much with this touring plan online by inserting other attractions they are interested in and inadvertently decrease the time effectiveness of this particular plan. Any advice on this would be so appreciated!! Perhaps use a different 2 day touring plan altogether? Perhaps I am not familiar enough yet at creating a personalized touring plan to make it effective? FP+ recommendations would be most appreciated as well. We likely will use child swap as necessary. Really, at MK they want to experience pretty much all attractions including meet and greets throughout the lands. (Not so much tomorrowland however). TIA!
The personalized TPs work really well so I wouldn’t worry about that. Personally, and especially with young kids, I like to split up MK, doing 1-2 lands per day to avoid walking too much. For example, for my next trip, I have 2 days at MK. Day 1 is tomorrowland and fantasyland, day 2 is all the rest. I choose what I want to do and throw that into the personalized TP thing and it works really well. Then I try to get FP+ as early in the day as possible, fitting the plan as much as possible and hope to be able to get extra FP+ on the day of.
I would split the park up, covering 3 areas on your longer day and just 2 areas on the shorter days. While I’d normally recommend using your FPP as early as possible and trying for more but with that many kids I might not. Fully plan out the first day, and then keep the first hour flexible on the other days for everyone’s favorites.
On your BBB day you might want to think about what pictures you’d like to get with your girls all dressed up. Maybe FP+ to meet with princesses? plus one bigger ride for the day, maybe 7DMT, since it’s nearby. In between you can do other stuff in Fantasyland that are ok w/o FP (small world, mickey’s philharmagic, dumbo, tea cups, walk through the castle, see the show in front of the castle).