So I just found out (thanks to @melcort10 ) that there is a MVMCP during my upcoming 1st week of Nov. trip. My only possibility is the very first party on Nov. 8. I have never done any of the parties before.
My idea right now is to do MK that day and stay for the party. I have no idea whatsoever if that’s a good plan, if the party is worth it, if there is anything particular I gotta think about.
I was going to chime in on your other thread, but you mention your kids are little. Will they stay out until midnight? Mine will be 6 and 9 and I’m not yet ready to spend $200 for them to be falling asleep!
Yeah… That’s a long day with little one. You really need to be willing to stay the entire party (or at least midnight) to get value. It’s kinda expensive, but fun!
Even if you decide against the party, it’s still a good plan to do MK on the party day, because the crowds are lower. That’s if you can rope-drop or at least get a good start in the morning.
I took a small spoonful of most everything except most of the pasta dishes as being carb heavy. Went back for another small spoonful of several things.
It wasn’t as sticky as I remembered. And I liked the new layout - probably been 10 years since I’d been to CM’s.
And…almost none of it looks the slightest bit appealing to me. We aren’t going til next year, so it doesn’t matter…but in 2022 all we ate were the free treats anyhow.
This year the theme seems to be many hotdogs with toppings. Also, the return of the holiday foods used as toppings on sandwiches / burgers - stuffing / cranberries & etc…
The treats at MVMCP look more interesting than the ones at MNSSHP!
I’m sure I’ll get more than my share of included cookies. We left a lot of those cookies as part of our tip for housekeeping the last time we went to MVMCP!